Messages & Photos - GettingOut
Send messages, make deposits, and share photos with our FREE Androidapp!The GettingOut Android mobile app is the easiest way to stay connected with an incarcerated loved one or friend. Now you can post and share photos as well as send messages from your Android device to inmate contacts at select correctional facilities. Edit photos, add filter effects to enhance images, send messages, post photos to Facebook and add check-ins to Foursquare, all at the same time!Click here to see if your facility offers messages and photo sharing.Yes, it’s here! Send messages and make depositswith our FREE iPhoneapp!OurGettingOut iPhone mobile app is just anothereasy way to stay connected with an incarcerated loved one or friend. You can easily make deposits orsend messages from your iPhonedevice to inmate contacts at select correctional facilities!Click here to see if your facility offers messages.