Auto Services: Oil Changes, Tire Service, Car Batteries and more -
Basic Car Care FAQsWhether you have a new car or have been driving yours for years, basic car care is essential to keeping it running smoothly, efficiently and for as long as possible. Walmart has over 2,500 Auto Care Centers nationwide with certified technicians that are ready to help you with your auto maintenance needs. These answers to common questions help you understand your car's needs and how Walmart can help.What Auto Services Does Walmart Provide?Walmart's certified auto care technicians perform basic auto maintenance services to keep your car rolling. Some services include tire installation, battery testing and installation, oil and lube services and more. Simply drop your car off at the Auto Care Center and technicians get to work while you shop.What Is the Difference Between Basic Tire Installation and Value Tire Installation?The basic tire installation package includes tire mounting, valve stems, lifetime balance, rotation every 7,500 miles and 50-mile lug re-torque. The...