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‘Mocking god’: Religious right melts down over ‘Satantic’ Olympic opening ceremonies


Fringe religious conservatives melted down Friday night over the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics, decrying the spectacle as “Satantic.”

The phase “mocking god” trended on social media following the opening ceremonies, which included drag performers and a singing — beheaded — Marie Antoinette.

BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS” wrote @online_shogun along with a short clip showing drag queens in colorful costumes at the ceremony. “This filth is a slap in the face of all Christians. I reject this from every fiber of my being. You Moloch worshipping scum, you are mocking God, and for this you will be punished. As long as faithful people are here to reject f--otry and blasphemy, God.”

The post quickly gained traction, along with others.

Read also: Paris Olympics opening ceremony dancers call off strike after reaching pay deal, union say

“One day every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. One day every knee will bow. Mocking God is the height of foolishness,” wrote @TJMoe28.

“My opinion and I’m entiltled to it! Mocking God, never ever ends well… ILY” wrote @Wonderwpatriot7.

“This isn't about Jesus or Christianity. It's an homage to the Greek mythology of dionysus. You are aware that the Olympics are from ancient Greece?” replied @FrenchGirlColo. “No one is mocking God but you are all making it easier to mock Christians who don't understand what they are seeing.”

“If the Olympics are going Satanic and mocking god, they might actually be worth watching this year,” chimed in @ericlahti1.