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Langston University welcomes class of 2028 at Lion Camp


LANGSTON, Okla. (KFOR) — The Langston University class of 2028 received a warm welcome on Friday. 

"It feels out of body. It's so cool,” said Eliza Wallace, an incoming LU freshman. 

Wallace is one of hundreds of incoming freshmen making their way to campus this weekend to get settled in. 

"My parents are alums here. So it was kind of a given,” said Wallace. “I'm walking in my parents' stomping ground, like it's amazing." 

This is the first time the Denton, Texas, native has lived this far away from home. 

"You're new, everybody's new. You don't know anybody from school,” said Wallace. “That’s what I’m nervous about.” 

However, she’s confident the university’s annual Lion Camp, or new student orientation, will ease those butterflies. 

The camp starts next week. Its goal is to make the transition of starting this brand new chapter as smooth as possible for students. During the weeklong camp, students will meet other freshmen, get familiar with campus and learn what resources are available. 

"Not only do you come in and get the fun experience, but you also get an early look at the academic side of school,” said Terrance Keys, a student activities coordinator. 

It’s so impactful, LU’s student ambassadors told KFOR they wish they could go back and relive their own camp experiences. 

"This will bring you out of your shell, get to know people and get you just acquainted with the Langston environment,” said Shaniya Tate, a student ambassador. 

Lion Camp runs July 29 through Aug. 2. Class starts Aug. 5.