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Labourer Finds 19.22-Carat Diamond Worth $95,000 in Madhya Pradesh


In an extraordinary turn of events, Indian labourer Raju Gound has unearthed a 19.22-carat diamond in a mine in the central state of Madhya Pradesh. The gem, found in the renowned diamond district of Panna, is anticipated to fetch approximately 8 million rupees ($95,000) at an upcoming government auction.

Discovery in Panna’s Diamond Fields

Panna is known for its diamond reserves, and locals frequently lease small, shallow mines from the government. The leases, costing around 200-250 rupees, are typically taken up by individuals, families, and co-operative groups using basic tools in their search for diamonds.

For over a decade, Gound and his family have leased mines in Panna, primarily during the monsoon season when agricultural and masonry work become scarce. “We are very poor and have no other source of income. So we do this in the hope of making some money,” Gound shared.

The Find

On a routine day, Gound was engaged in the laborious task of sifting through soil and rock when he made his discovery. “It’s tedious work. We dig a pit, pull out chunks of soil and rock, wash them in a sieve and then carefully sift through thousands of dried, tiny stones to look for diamonds,” Gound explained.

His persistence paid off when he noticed a stone resembling a piece of glass with a faint glint. “I held it up to my eyes and saw a faint glint. That’s when I knew I had found a diamond,” he recounted.

Government Evaluation and Auction

Following the discovery, Gound took the diamond to the government diamond office for evaluation. Anupam Singh, an official at the state government’s diamond office, noted that such large finds are rare, despite smaller stones being discovered more frequently in the area. The diamond will be auctioned by the government, with Gound receiving compensation after the deduction of government royalties and taxes.

Future Plans

With the proceeds from the diamond sale, Gound plans to improve his family’s living conditions and secure his children’s education. His immediate priority is to settle his debts amounting to 500,000 rupees. Despite his newfound fortune, Gound remains committed to continuing his diamond mining efforts. “Tomorrow, I’ll go to the mine again to look for diamonds.”