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Lake George herbicide shows progress, Hand harvest continues


LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. (NEWS10) — The question of how to handle the invasive species Eurasian Water Milfoil has been a source of debate in Lake George. The head of the local park commission says controversial herbicide treatments, performed in June, have been effective.

On June 28th, a Warren County judge cleared the way for herbicide ProcellaCOR's application to the lake — much to the consternation of the Lake George Association (LGA). The LGA and many residents cite a Minnesota Department of Agriculture study classifying ProcellaCOR as containing PFAS, forever chemicals linked to cancer.

“Has it been impactful? Is it dying as they said it would, and as well as the impact to the native plants?” questioned Lake George Waterkeeper Chris Navitsky, an LGA member.

New York State and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) say the herbicide is safe. Wick says it's effective.

“Within 24 hours there was no PrrocellaCOR aquatic herbicide left, and any of the sample sites lower than 1 Part per Billion” Wick explained to NEWS10's Zion Decoteau.

LGA members would prefer the state’s park commission utilize traditional suction hand harvesting to manage the pest. NEWS10 went out on the lake, on July 25th. Divers showed us they still use the traditional method on southern Lake George. So why can’t they hand-harvest the whole thing?

“Some sites, we’re able to harvest one year and not have to come back for a number of years. Others we have to come back multiple times a year. So, if we're out there each individual year, sometimes multiple times a year, and we're harvesting the same amount of milfoil every year then we need to look at an alternative solution" explained Wick.

One of the divers, Benjamin Marshall, confirmed that the Milfoil situation is improving. 

“...We're seeing progression in the suction harvesting. So we continue to hit that every year with suction harvesting. And as of today, Dave was telling me that when we historically dove here it was just wall-to-wall Eurasian Water Millfoil, and today I will say I saw a lot of native plants and only spots Eurasian Watermilfoil" Marshall described.

Wick explained that images provided to NEWS10 show the once tall-standing pest subsequently weakened and flattened after ProcellaCOR’s application. Another image showed a cart full of dead milfoil ready for disposal.

Tuesday, July 30th will be the park commission's 30-day underwater survey to examine the full extent of PocellaCOR's effectiveness. For a more expansive look at the state's initial results, click here.