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Body language expert baffled by Trump's odd handshake with Netanyahu


A body language expert who viewed Donald Trump's photo with Benjamin Netanyahu Friday broke out into song when he identified a hand gesture he'd never before seen the former president exhibit.

"When I think about you," Dr. Jack Brown sang, "I touch myself."

Brown, a physician whose expertise has been featured on CNN and ABC News among others, spoke to Raw Story hours after Trump shared a photo of him meeting with the Israeli prime minister in Florida.

At Raw Story's request, Brown took a close look at a posed photograph, which can be found below, of Trump and Netanyahu shaking hands.

The musical outburst was in relation to an odd handshake in which Trump laid his left hand on top of the right, which is grasping Netanyahu's hand.

"I don’t think I’ve seen him do that before," Brown said.

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The photograph shows Trump standing on the left side of the frame — a position of dominance, according to Brown — with his right hand shaking Netanyahu's.

Trump's right hand is rotated above Netanyahu's, which Brown explained was "something of a dominance display."

That did not surprise Brown, who argues Trump displays physical signs of the Dark Tetrad, which Psychology Today defines as four interrelated negative personality features: narcissism, psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and sadism.

"He’s got all four of those," Brown said. "Narcissism is just a tiny bit of his Dark Tetrad."

What shocked Brown was the placement of Trump's left hand, which rested gently on top of his own, already dominantly placed, hand.

"Why are you touching your own hand?" Brown said. "Why is he touching himself when he’s shaking another guy’s hand?"

It was this question that inspired Brown to sing the chorus of the Divinyls' 1990 hit "I touch myself."

"He’s having to self-touch and self-soothe," Brown said.

Brown then posited the determined gesture signified one of the four character traits that define the Dark Tetrad.

"It’s another sign of his narcissism; he’s putting him at the center, he’s doing this for himself," said Brown. "Everything he does is transactional and this is another sign of that.

"Touching himself is a perfect sign of narcissism and his ego."

See the picture below or at this link.