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Caring for my Mum is ruining my life


DEAR DEIDRE: Caring for my mum is ruining my life.

I know it sounds mean and selfish but I just want to be a normal teenager and have fun with my friends.

I’m 17 and my mum is 42. She has MS and is in a wheelchair. My dad left her years ago.

As I’m her only child, I have to do everything for her – bathing her, dressing her, doing the housework and all the cooking and food shopping.

Fitting it in with my college work is really hard. I have no social life, and my friends don’t understand why I can never hang out with them.

I love my mum and want to help her, but it feels like I have no life at all.

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DEIDRE SAYS: You’re not mean or selfish. Being a young carer is incredibly difficult.

It’s good that you’ve reached out for help.

The Children’s Society has information for young carers on its website and can direct you to local projects (

Talk to your teachers and friends about your situation, so they understand.

Also read my support pack, Help for Carers.


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