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Do I look nervous to you? Scattered? You know me. I’m tough.

Donny. Donny Trump.

Look how I stood up to the legal system. They backed down because of me. I got a bad rap. Some called me a coward.

What about how I got drafted during Vietnam? They weren’t going to take advantage of me. So my father and I took care of a tenant of his. A podiatrist. A favor here. A favor there. Before you knew it, I had bone spurs. A 4F Classification. Unfit to serve.

They weren’t going to take advantage of me.

Do you blame me?

Authority is not going to interrupt my lifestyle.

You got to show that you’re entitled to things.

You may remember when I first ran for President in 2015, I submitted a medical report. I know my body better than the Doctor does. I wanted to make sure everything was covered, so I wrote it myself. The Doctor signed it. To make sure no one changed it, I had three large fellows go to the office and acquire all my records. I don’t understand the Doctor’s reaction “He felt raped.”

What’s the big deal? So I touched some women. They seemed to like it. I kissed them, too. Now they make a big deal. A couple got me for rape. Ridiculous.

Even though the records don’t show it, at Wharton, I was Number one in the class. Wharton claims they can’t confirm it. Take my word for it.

I know the records show I went bankrupt several times. And failed in almost every business venture I was in. Keep in mind that an astute businessman doesn’t get hurt under these circumstances. I came out on top. A number of people I did business with did suffer, but it’s not my fault. Doing business under the Trump name is a major plus, they could use that information to sell other people. There are doubters. But look at it this way. I ran for President and won. I beat Hillary. People have some nerve, they question my credibility.

A lot happened under my Presidency. I’m getting blamed for having a relationship with Putin. He was an enemy. Now he wants to be my friend. He bent over backwards to accommodate me. Word is that he was involved in helping me win the first election.

I reciprocated. Gave him some highly classified information. That’s what’s friends are about.

I didn’t get where I got being a nice guy.  My secret, tell people what you think they want to hear. Tell them often, they’ll believe you.

Covid came when I was President. I played it down. You think I wanted to be blamed for it? Over one million died. They’re not going to put that in my camp.

I’m still working on Mexico building that wall. Perhaps a contractor who did work for me would be interested?

When I took over the Presidency the deficit was about $500 billion from Obama. When I left it was over $3 trillion. I tell people debt is good. I don’t worry about who’s going to pay for it. I’ll blame Obama. Or Hillary.

You don’t think that jail hasn’t been keeping me up at night since I became President. Those bags under my eyes are not from age.

So now comes the next election and that sleepy old man Biden beats me. That alone is an embarrassment.

If I’ve ever done anything right in my life, it’s this. I pressed the right buttons of people around the country who are upset and angry with authority. They identify with my plight. No matter what I do or what I’ve done.

I’ve told them I really won the election. And got cheated. They bought it.

Congress is a surprise. I threatened those cowards a few times and they fell into line faster than you can say Hate. They’re in my hip pocket. I have absolutely no respect for them.

They’ll lie and cheat for me. Say and do whatever I want.

All this only scratches the surface. You think I want to debate that lady? That colored lady?

The post YOU THINK I’M AFRAID TO DEBATE? appeared first on The Moderate Voice.