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Does Turkey Have Any Good Relations With Other Countries? – OpEd


In recent years, Turkey has faced significant challenges and changes in its foreign relations. While there have been tensions with many countries, relations with some have been reshaped. However, finding clear examples of countries with which Turkey has consistently maintained good relations is difficult for various reasons.

Relations with the United States

During Donald Trump’s presidency, he frequently highlighted the release of pastor Andrew Brunson as one of his achievements. Turkey, on the other hand, occasionally responded with harsh rhetoric towards the U.S. Under Joe Biden, relations have not been particularly strong either. The presence of Kamala Harris’s Jewish spouse and the powerful Jewish lobby in the U.S. could present potential challenges in Turkey-U.S. relations.

Relations with Israel

Turkey once had very close ties with Israel, but recent years have seen significant tensions. Turkey has been a vocal critic of Israel’s policies towards Palestine and has supported Hamas, a stance that has drawn the ire of many Western countries and Israel.

Relations with the Arab World

Turkey’s relations with the Arab world have also been complex. Support for Qatar, for instance, led to tensions with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. However, recent efforts have been made to normalize relations with some Arab countries.

Economic Challenges

Turkey is struggling with a high external debt burden and economic difficulties. With the minimum wage being insufficient to meet basic needs, the government’s efforts to play a significant role in foreign policy have been met with criticism at home. The need to borrow even to pay interest on debts highlights the severity of the economic crisis.

Lack of Alternatives and Future Prospects

The lack of alternative policies suggests that Turkey might face even greater challenges in the future. If Donald Trump is re-elected, significant financial and military issues with China and the EU are anticipated. Should Kamala Harris become president and continue Joe Biden’s policies, both the U.S. and the global economy might experience a severe recession, which is not favored by the business community.

The difficulties in Turkey’s foreign relations and economic problems suggest that the country could be heading towards an even tougher period. Both domestic and foreign policies need to be more strategic and long-term. Turkey must learn from past mistakes and develop more robust and sustainable policies.