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Bryant Evolution +95s Plus – Error 33, Hi Limit Trip

01-25-2016,10:02 PM #1 JustChillinMDView ProfileView Forum PostsView Forum ThreadsNew GuestJoin Date Jan 2016Posts 4Post Likes I own a Bryant Model 355CAV060100 natural gas furnace that was installed in my house in 2010 and worked well for 2-3 years and then occasionally/rarely indicated a failure on the Evolution thermostat. The LED on the circuit board would indicate Error 33. The filter was changed regularly and the registers were all open and unobstructed. The system would reset automatically and run fine. Over then next couple winters the problem would occur more often especially when it would get bitter cold outside. I was primarily using a wood stove along with the gas furnace as an auxiliary unit, therefore the repair was not urgent to maintain comfort.The inducer would spin, the igniter would glow, the solenoid would switch on the gas and the burner would ignite, once the heat exchanger warmed up the blower would start, after a few minutes the unit would trip off for a few min...