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'Strong': Trump allies reveal which potential Kamala Harris running mate worries them most


Donald Trump's allies are putting the word out that one potential running mate for Kamala Harris worries them most.

Republicans increasingly see Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as a candidate who could boost the likely Democratic nominee's chances and appeal to independents, and they told NBC News that the first-term governor of a critical swing state might be an even stronger candidate than the vice president.

“I just think Shapiro is super strong, and Republicans should be concerned about it,” said one Trump ally, "If I were her, that would be the pick.”

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That person told the network that Shapiro was "actually pretty moderate" and, as an observant Jew, could help attract religious voters who have abandoned the Democratic Party.

“Shapiro creates a super interesting dynamic,” that person said.

Another Trump ally disagreed that Shapiro was a moderate but felt his "really nonthreatening” persona would be a boost with independents and Republicans alike, saying the governor would be “the one that does the most to help her.”

“He’s the obvious one,” the second ally said. “So if it’s not him, there’s a reason that’s not him in my mind. Whether that is in the vetting or a personality clash. He’s the one that jumps out off the page as, ‘Why wouldn’t you pick that person?’”

Although some Republicans are hyping him as a perfect fit with Harris, others are spreading the idea that he might turn down an offer to join the ticket to strengthen his position for running for running for president himself one day.

“It’s no secret that he would really love to be president someday,” said Pennsylvania state Rep. Russ Diamond, a Republican. “Joining that ticket now, there’s two paths: Either she loses and he shares the blame for that. Or she wins, and then he’s stuck for potentially eight years … so it’s kind of a dead end either way for him.”

Shapiro has alienated some Democrats already by coming out in support of school vouchers and for his position on the Israel-Hamas war, and he's won the support of police unions, but Republicans cite those same policies as the reason why Harris should choose him as her running mate.

“If I’m a Republican, Shapiro is the one that concerns me the most,” Tres Watson, a GOP political strategist and founder of Capitol Reins PR, said. “He can be moderate, he can also be liberal, but he’s got the school choice stuff — he kind of dabbles in some things that could kill Republican votes off.”