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Christian U.S. Soccer Player Thrown Under the Bus by Lesbian Teammate as Olympics Get Underway


Here’s a paradoxical question for you: How can you be both a virtually protected class with an entire month dedicated to you and also be perpetual victims?

Answer: You can’t, at least not without being intellectually dishonest hypocrites.

Speaking of those, the U.S. women’s national soccer team is back in the headlines with the Summer Olympics right around the corner — and, yes, the team is still as insufferably leftist as it’s ever been.

In fact, the addition of Christian soccer star Korbin Albert to the national team has only made that victim complex worse.

Much worse.

Albert’s presence on the team is apparently such an affront that one of her fellow teammates felt compelled to throw her under the bus on the Tuesday episode of the “Good Game” podcast, ironically titled “Leading with Love.”

“One of the newer players has been getting different reactions from the fans than the majority of the team,” host Sarah Spain began in a not-at-all loaded intro. “And that’s Korbin Albert. This is a real sticky, tough situation.

“I’m just wondering how you personally are dealing with both the public reaction to Korbin and sort of the internal response about her.”

“Yeah, I mean, I think it’s a difficult situation that has obviously affected me personally given what she was speaking on,” U.S. center back Tierna Davidson responded.

Davidson is a lesbian.

Albert had ruffled feathers for the high crime of sharing her beliefs.

The 20-year-old caused a stir in March when she “liked” and shared content on social media that specifically called out the immoral nature of homosexuality and “feeling transgender.”

She was forced to apologize for daring to believe in true, core tenets of Christianity — particularly after some forceful backlash from unbearable U.S. women’s soccer “icon” Megan Rapinoe.

One would think that would be enough, but leave it to Davidson to take on an astonishingly patronizing tone on the podcast despite being just five years older than Albert.

“I think that it is something that you have to learn, as a young player, especially with the platform that you’re given,” she continued, before offering a word salad criticism of Christianity that would make Vice President Kamala Harris blush.

“Your beliefs or, you know, how you choose to express certain things is very public, and people do look and listen,” Davidson said. “And, you know, whether or not it’s something that you grew up with or it was instilled upon you from a young age and you might not know better, it is something that can hurt other people, you know?”

This part of the interview starts around the 25:50 mark below:

Funnily enough, if you can parse through Davidson’s drivel, you can almost make out the same criticism many have of the LGBT mafia: “… it’s something that you grew up with or it was instilled upon you from a young age …”

Unsurprisingly, Davidson spent the rest of the podcast playing the victim and claiming efforts by her and her teammates to make the USWNT as gay-friendly as possible were being undermined because of one young Christian woman who isn’t even old enough to drink yet.

The mental gymnastics at display here are insane: Albert is the young woman being bullied for her beliefs, and she is the one being subjected to effective “conversion therapy” through all of this (forced) leftist indoctrination.

Yet Davidson — who is overwhelmingly supported by loud leftists and her team, by the way — is the victim here?

The only way you can reach that conclusion is with intellectual dishonesty and unabashed hypocrisy, which are sadly becoming hallmarks of the U.S. women’s national soccer team.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Christian U.S. Soccer Player Thrown Under the Bus by Lesbian Teammate as Olympics Get Underway appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.