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Trump's gains with Black voters evaporate as Kamala Harris enters race


Donald Trump's gains with Black voters have been wiped out since Kamala Harris became the likely Democratic nominee.

Recent polling has suggested president Joe Biden was losing support among Black voters, who had been crucial to his 2020 election win, but new polling taken after he exited the race showed they overwhelmingly backed the vice president over the Republican nominee, reported Newsweek.

"[The] swift shift in support for Trump to Harris among Black voters tells you something about how fickle Trump's support was among these voters," said Costas Panagopoulos, a political science professor at Northeastern University. "Once they had a viable alternative that also happens to share their racial identity, they jumped ship from Trump almost instantly."

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A CNN poll conducted July 22 and 23, the two days after Biden dropped out, found 78 percent of Black voters backed Harris, compared to just 15 percent for Trump, who had gotten 23 support from that same sample of voters in June, while the president had gotten 73 percent support from them.

An ActiVote survey conducted between July 21 and 23 found 90 percent of Black voters backed Harris, compared to just 10 percent for the former president.

A spokeswoman for the Trump campaign attributed the shift to positive media coverage Harris has gotten since Biden dropped out and insisted the dynamics of the race had not changed.

"The honeymoon will be a manifestation of the wall-to-wall coverage," said Trump pollster Tony Fabrizio in a memo provided by the spokeswoman.