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'New grift': Trump's latest book announcement leads to taunts from Truth Social users


Donald Trump on Thursday announced the publication of another new book, but many Truth Social users were quick to criticize.

Trump, who has released other books written by ghost writers, took to his social media site to make his announcement.

"I’m pleased to announce my new Book, 'SAVE AMERICA.' As everyone knows, the first two, 'Our Journey Together' and, 'Letters to Trump,' have been spectacular successes, and this is the BEST OF ALL, especially in light of the fact that we are now living in a Failing Nation, but it will not be failing for long," the ex-president wrote. "We will soon, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

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The responses were largely negative.

"You loooooove lying to everyone... such a bad con artist," wrote @wallacejenny091. "Who's actually voting for this clown?"

Another user, @IndictmentCity, said, "Drop out of the race now before you are HUMILIATED by a woman."

@Anders23 simply wrote, "F--- you DJT."

Kristin McInnes wrote, "Is the Heritage Foundation your ghost writer?"

"You can barely read and it's very unlikely you could write a book," she added.

Even a fan of Trump's, @freedomfughter, said suggested the former president "tone down" his rallies and include "no name calling."

"Show videos of [Kamala[ Harris outing herself!"

"New grift. You do you!" @wuward wrote.