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Opinion: Project 2025, Trump’s Plan to Destroy Democracy, Is Already Underway

Photo Illustration by Erin O’Flynn/The Daily Beast/Getty Images, Wikimedia Commons and Iowa Legislature

Project 2025, an authoritarian guidebook authored by the Heritage Foundation and essentially Donald Trump’s bible in a would-be second term, is cause for alarm. Elements of this goody bag of democratic destruction take aim at everything from health care and education to the civil service and establishing a unitary executive.

But for all of the red flags waving around Project 2025 should Trump win the presidential election in November, far fewer conversations are being held about how Project 2025 is already in place in conservative-led states across America. This is most evident in the field of education.

For starters, Project 2025 proposes eliminating the Department of Education in addition to relocating funds that protect civil rights to privatization efforts like voucher systems. Public money for private schools should be a non-starter. Our nation’s public schools serve the highest portion of minority students, students with disabilities, and low-income students.

Read more at The Daily Beast.