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Kamala Almost Slid Into the White House by Disguise


No one seems to have picked up on this: If Joe Biden had stuck it out to the brutal end, he probably would have lost — but might have won. Republicans, talk radio hosts, and Fox News analysts are fond of starting sentences critiquing leftists, Democrats, and the mainstream media (all the same thing) with the words “The American people are too smart to be fooled by . . .” Over and over, year after year: “The American people are too smart to be fooled by . . .”

Well, sorry neighbors, but no, they aren’t. At least half the American people are, by definition, below the midline, mediocrities, fools. They elected Carter, Obama, and Biden. They elected House and Senate majorities, and barely missed another House majority. Oh, yes, afterward they complain and complain and complain when their women, or women they know, or women they read about get raped and murdered by illegals. And yet, it took their votes to elect the connivers who opened the border to the mentally ill, convicted criminals, convicted rapists, and murderers. They complain that they cannot afford food, need to skip one meal a day, can’t afford gas at the pump — and yet it was their votes that empowered corrupt power brokers to impose the laws and regulations that have left them without breakfast or lunch, and paying $4–6 a gallon when it had been $2 under Trump. They complain about crime and smash-and-grabs and drive-by shootings in the inner cities, and then they elect and reelect for a century the same Democrats whose “no cash bail,” catch-and-release, and minimal prison sentences gave them that.

So, no, the American people are not too smart to be fooled by almost anything. And special gold medals go to the rubes and local yokels in Montana who are totally MAGA Donald Trump supporters, give him victories like 55.6 percent to 34.4 (2016 over Hillary) and 56.9 percent to 40.6 (2020 over Biden) — and then elect radical leftist Jon Tester to the Senate, time after time, where he has been the deciding vote with Kamala Harris, also time after time, to advance the Biden–Harris agenda on crime, open borders, botched economy, disastrous foreign policy, and so much else. The American people are “too smart”? Gimme a break. Tester gets a buzz cut and wears cowboy boots, and the rubes keep electing him to be the wrench in the Trump MAGA agenda. If anyone knows how to talk sense to the Big Sky crowd, please do. We have three months to get through to them.

This same lack of sophistication has meant that “moderate” and “Independent” voters who inclined to vote for Biden over Trump because he is “more moderate” were lining up for Biden again, like sheep to the slaughter, lacking the simple understanding that voting for Biden was tantamount to voting for Harris. They could not grasp that. Their preference for a “moderate” like Biden over a radical woke San Francisco leftist like Harris left them unfocused on the Biden ticket’s vice presidency. They would sooner have voted for Trump or maybe RFK, Jr. than Harris. In their unsophisticated minds, they could not pick up that a vote for Biden would have been a vote for Harris. Indeed, no one in history ever has cast a presidential vote for Harris, not even in a primary. American people too smart? Really?

Biden, may he recover fully and be well for many more decades in private life, succumbed politically from the post-debate Obama–Pelosi pressure, amplified many times over by being struck with COVID. I don’t hear this from other pundits but, for my two cents, I am convinced the COVID blow broke his resolve, amid the disease’s ravaging wallop and the lingering coughing and aches, particularly at 82. He is recovering after at least 10 doses of Paxlovid, and may he emerge with a complete recovery, but he just ran out of strength, and the Democrat vultures circled around to feast on his political corpse. He gave up the ghost. And Kamala snatched it.

Had Biden not stepped aside, Kamala’s record never would have come under serious scrutiny. The Trump campaign’s focus would have been on Biden. Usually, that is OK because the vice president, at least for the short term, is there for window dressing even though he or she becomes the presumptive leader in the party’s next derby four or eight years hence. Sure, there would have been asides, in campaigning against Biden, about Harris the border czar, and the bizarre border she only once “czarred,” “tsarred,” or visited. But the focus would have been on Biden. By contrast from GOP campaigning, the Democrats throw mud and feces at everyone everywhere: e.g., Clement Haynsworth, G. Harrold Carswell, Dan Quayle, Brett Kavanaugh, and Aileen Cannon. However, Harris would have slipped through, unnoticed except for her cackle and occasional idiocy that invariably would arrive “with the passage of time.” Then, days after the 2024 election — if Biden won — he would have stepped down, and she would taken the reins. Even if Biden would have continued fighting reality, it would not have lasted long. As United States Attorney Robert Hur essentially concluded, no jury concerned with humanitarian grounds and elder abuse ever would convict him after getting a good 10-minute exposure to him.

So Biden would have quit, and Harris would have become president by means of the preferred and historical Harris way: without getting a single vote in her life to be president.

But that now changes. Instead of her sliding into the White House without any serious scrutiny, this time her record will be exposed. If she gets in, it will be only because of the outright stupidity of a majority of the American people — call them the “Montana Testerites” — who will have been informed and warned of her record and failed to grasp that a vote for Harris is a vote against their families and themselves. She won’t slide in unnoticed. Instead, American voters will have to decide: Do I want a president for the next four years who:

  • Has lied to me for four years, right in my face without blinking an eye, about Biden’s discombobulation
  • Has expressed support for reducing police funding
  • Has advocated giving felons, and has considered even giving mass murderers, the right to vote
  • Has promised to seize private health insurance from everyone and replace it with “Medicare for All”
  • Has been a “Border Czar” under whom 11 milion illegals — including mental cases, rapists, and murderers — have entered the United States
  • Caused 600 convictions to be dismissed and critically messed 1,700 convictions as San Francisco district attorney
  • Stood by convictions corruptly obtained with false confessions, withheld evidence, and other legal malefactions as California attorney-general
  • Helped raise money to support a woke “prisoner’s rights” group that opposes bail, thus freeing hundreds of people who proceeded to commit more crimes including murder
  • Inability to select and hold onto qualified aides
  • Is co-responsible for and owns the entire Biden–Harris disaster of the past four years: crime, energy prices, food prices, wages not keeping up with price rises, Afghanistan, endorsing Medicare for illegals (which will collapse the Medicare system), Afghanistan, and so much more

If that is who the American people want and vote for, then please stop prefacing political analysis with “The American people are too smart to be fooled by . . .” To quote her fortune cookie mantra, we have got to unburden what has been.

The post Kamala Almost Slid Into the White House by Disguise appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.