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China is past in terms of investments in Pakistan, US is future: Official


Days of China investing in Pakistan is now a thing of the past, a senior administration official has told the lawmakers noting that the United States is the future.

China is the past in terms of investments in Pakistan, we are the future, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Donald Lu told lawmakers during a Congressional hearing on Tuesday.

Lu was responding to questions from the Congressmen, who expressed concerns over the Chinese investment in Pakistan and other countries in South and Central Asia, including Sri Lanka and Maldives.

I would argue the Chinese plan is to have a military base in every country and every infrastructure project is made with high interest Chinese loans and low paid Chinese workers. We just see this model all throughout the region, he said. The Chinese bring in their own workers. They don't actually train local workers to do their enterprises. They extract minerals, literally take gold and copper from the ground and just ship it back f