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Nearly 30 vacant buildings to be demolished in Schenectady


SCHENECTADY, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- The Capital Region Land Bank is set to demolish 27 blighted and vacant buildings in Schenectady. Nine of the demolitions are anticipated to start shortly.

"This is our biggest round of demolitions ever and certainly the most meaningful as clearing these blighted, vacant buildings will pave the way for $157 million in new investment in Schenectady neighborhoods," said Richard Ruzzo, Chair of the Capital Region Land Bank.

The initial nine demolitions will allow AIK Property Group and MLB Construction to build 41 new townhomes on Summit Avenue, which is a $13 million investment, said the Capital Region Land Bank. These demolitions are funded in part by a grant from New York State Housing and Community Renewal.

The other demolitions are set along Albany Street and State Street for the Hamilton Hill Redevelopment project, which includes the former Mohawk Auto Center building. The demolitions on the corner of State Street and Brandywine Avenue will make way for the $37 million SCAP Campus project, which includes daycare and new housing. One demolition on Crane Street will further along the $27 million Mosaic housing development.

The Capital Region Land Bank is operated by the Schenectady County Metroplex Development Authority. Here's the full list of addresses scheduled for demolition:

  • 417 Summit Avenue
  • 420 Summit Avenue
  • 422 Summit Avenue
  • 502 Summit Avenue
  • 504 Summit Avenue
  • 546 Summit Avenue
  • 549 Summit Avenue
  • 528 Summit Avenue
  • 550 Summit Avenue
  • 308 Schenectady Street
  • 746 Albany Street
  • 748 Albany Street
  • 752 Albany Street
  • 758 Albany Street
  • 779 Albany Street
  • 783 Albany Street
  • 785 Albany Street
  • 742-758 State Street
  • 764 State Street
  • 1113 State Street
  • 1115 State Street
  • 26 Brandywine Avenue
  • 40 Brandywine Avenue
  • 928 Pleasant Street
  • 2 Landon Terrace (zombie property)
  • 143 South Church Street
  • 1650 Erie Boulevard (vacant garage across from Mohawk Harbor)

"We are proud to move these critical neighborhood investments forward and we thank the Land Bank for clearing the way by removing long-vacant blighted property making these new investments a reality," said Schenectady Mayor Gary McCarthy.