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Radical Pro-Abortion Groups Back Harris Because She Wants Abortions Up to Birth


Major pro-abortion advocacy groups are pouring in support for Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential bid, lauding her enduring stance towards an issue that President Joe Biden has often flip-flopped on in the past.

According to a Politico report in wake of Biden’s announcement on July 21, several of the largest pro-abortion groups in the country quickly threw their weight behind Harris, who notably made history as the first sitting administration official to ever publicly visit a Planned Parenthood facility.

As CatholicVote reported in a recent explainer, Harris, “has aggressively worked hand-in-hand with the abortion mega-mogul from her earliest days in public office to punish pro-life voices.”

Harris’ sponsorship of the FACT Act in 2015, and subsequent dogged prosecution of prolife advocate and whistleblower David Daleiden in 2016 while she served as the Attorney General of California are just snapshots of the prospective Democratic candidate’s history.

Reproductive Freedom for All President Mini Timmaraju expressed her support for the VP to Politico, noting that Harris will “make sure this issue is front and center for the election, as it should be.”

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“It’s no secret that President Biden doesn’t have the same record on this issue that Vice President Harris does,” she continued: “There were people in our movement who were always concerned that the president wasn’t as fiery about the issue and wasn’t as vocal. So I am hoping that Vice President Kamala leading the ticket is going put some of those fears to rest.”

Emily’s List also joined in endorsing Harris’ candidacy, praising the former California prosecutor as a “terrific messenger on the issue that we believe is going to win the Democrats this election.”

Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson praised Harris, but did not officially endorse her, citing the organization’s internal rules which require approval by its board of directors and ratification by local chapters.

Notably, Harris boasts a perfect score from Planned Parenthood for her continuous support of pro-abortion causes.

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