News in English

21. Tetanus – Health New Zealand

On this page Key information 21.1.Bacteriology 21.2.Clinical features 21.3. Epidemiology 21.4.Vaccines 21.5. Recommended immunisation schedule 21.6. Contraindications and precautions 21.7.Potential responses and AEFIs 21.8.Public health measures 21.9.Variations from the vaccine data sheets References Key information Mode of transmissionEnvironmental exposure to the bacillus, usually through contaminated wounds. The disease is not directly transmitted from person to person.Incubation periodBetween 3 and 21 days, commonly about 10 days; may vary from 1day to several months.Period of communicabilityA person with tetanus is not infectious to others.Incidence and burden of diseaseOlder individuals, usually women, who are less likely to have received a primary series of tetanus vaccine; and in unvaccinated children.Funded vaccinesDTaP-IPV-HepB/Hib (Infanrix-hexa).DTaP-IPV (Infanrix-IPV).Tdap (Boostrix).Dose, presentation, routeIntramuscular injection.0.5 mL per dose.DTaP-IPV-HepB/Hib: pre-fi...