News in English

Evil Anjem Choudary was a monster hiding in plain sight and cost countless innocent lives – lock him up for good


Pure poison

FOR far too long Anjem Choudary was ­dismissed as a harmless blowhard.

Our TV broadcasters routinely interviewed him as a curious eccentric.

Vile Anjem Choudary was ­dismissed as a harmless blowhard for too long[/caption]

Except he was a monster hiding in plain sight, as many of us knew.

Choudary indoctrinated a generation of terrorists including the killers of Lee Rigby, PC Keith Palmer and the eight victims at London Bridge.

Only in 2016 was he finally jailed.

Once released he went straight back to radicalising teenagers.

This appalling man and his banned al-Muhajiroun outfit have spread Islamist poison throughout Britain and the world and cost countless innocent lives.

Silence him. Lock him up for good, preferably in solitary.

Luvvies’ strop

SPARE us the millionaire luvvies’ facile whining about Just Stop Oil’s jail stretches.

They bleat that it’s unjust for “brave, defiant” (and impeccably middle-class) protesters to get four years for merely “raising the alarm” about the climate.

What idiotic guff.

Their real crime was to plot appalling hardship for thousands they deliberately stranded on the M25.

Some missed funerals, flights and NHS appointments.

Others could not get to work.

Had the gridlock plan succeeded in full, food could even have run short.

All five saboteurs were convicted criminals without remorse.

They treated their trial with arrogant contempt, apparently believing their climate panic entitles them to live outside the law.

Their supporters dislike the judge — odd, that, since the same Remainer class insisted that judges were beyond reproach when they held up Brexit.

As for raising climate awareness, who can possibly now be unaware of it?

Many, though, DO seem unaware that Britain has already cut its emissions to a near-negligible sliver of the global total.

They apparently include JSO — and the blinkered nitwits of TV and the arts.

Beeb binned

THE Tories bottled out of scrapping the BBC licence fee.

Labour won’t touch it.

But viewers are voting with their feet, ditching the Beeb and its archaic tax.

Meanwhile the corporation continues to pay stars eye-popping salaries while pleading poverty . . . and yet again having to publicly apologise for its failings.

What a sorry mess.

Graft vs grift

OUR late Queen worked to the very end.

The King, despite cancer, has done 464 engagements in the past year.

And William has toiled admirably, shouldering the royal burden while his father and Kate have been recovering.

Graft runs in the family.

Bar one notable exception, sunning himself in California.