News in English

Superior slayer monster

Superior Slayer monsters are more powerful versions of normal Slayer monsters that have a 1/200 chance to spawn upon the death of one of its normal counterparts.[1] After claiming the elite tier rewards from the Combat Achievements system, the chances of a superior slayer monster appearing is increased to 1/150. There is an additional 10% chance of a superior slayer monster appearing for Wilderness slayer tasks.They can be encountered after purchasing the unlock Bigger and Badder for 150 Slayer reward points from any Slayer master, and will only occur while on a Slayer task. This can be toggled on and off afterwards without loss of points.Superior creatures that are larger than their normal counterparts can only spawn if the death of the normal monster occurs in a location that can fit the superior creature.[2] In order to appear, a superior creature must be able to fit either its centre tile or one of its corner tiles on the south-western tile of the dying creature, while remaining un...