Chemistry (CHEM) | University of New Hampshire Academic Catalog
CHEM400 - Freshman Seminar Credits: 1An introduction to the chemistry profession. Talks and workshops on the career of a chemist in academia, industry, medicine, law, teaching and government. Required for chemistry majors.Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits.Grade Mode: Credit/Fail GradingCHEM403 - General Chemistry I Credits: 0 or 4Fundamental laws and concepts applied to nonmetals, metals, and their compounds. For students who plan to take further chemistry courses. Previous chemistry recommended. Knowledge of algebra, exponentials, and logarithms required. Lab. Cannot be taken for credit if credit received for CHEM405. Required for chemistry majors.Attributes: Discovery Lab Course; Physical Science(Discovery)Equivalent(s): CHEM405Grade Mode: Letter GradingSpecial Fee: YesCHEM404 - General Chemistry II Credits: 0 or 4Fundamental laws and concepts applied to nonmetals, metals, and their compounds. For students who plan to take further chemistry courses. Previous che...