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Moment cops arrest vile hate preacher Anjem Choudary for masterminding outlawed terror group after bashing down door


THIS is the moment cops arrested vile hate preacher Anjem Choudary for masterminding an outlawed terror group.

The 57-year-old was found guilty of taking a “caretaker role” in directing Al-Muhajiroun (ALM) on Tuesday.

This is the moment cops arrested vile hate preacher Anjem Choudary[/caption]
The Islamist preacher faces life in jail after being found guilty of directing a terrorist organisation[/caption]
Body-worn footage shows when officers smashed through his front door[/caption]

The Islamist preacher now faces life in jail following a trial at Woolwich Crown Court.

Now body-worn footage released by Scotland Yard police shows when officers smashed through his front door in east London to arrest him.

Officers are initially seen approaching his house in Audley Gardens, Ilford, just before 5.30am on July 17 2023.

They rammed through the front door, shouting “police, stand back!”, before storming into the property and ordering Choudary to move.

The visibly shocked Choudary was told to show his hands while a female voice in the background shouted “what’s going on?”.

Choudary appeared to ask “oh my god… what are you doing?” as he was led into another room.

In a later clip, when he was sitting down, an arresting officer told him: “Anjem, I am arresting you under section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000 as I suspect that you are a terrorist and involved in the commission, preparation and instigation of acts of terrorism.

“Information has been received that you belong to and are actively involved in the activities of Al-Muhajiroun, which is a proscribed organisation within the United Kingdom.”

Choudary was sitting with his hands on his lap not appearing to react to what was said.

At just after 6.30am he was led out of the property with another clip showing him handcuffed in a police vehicle.

Prosecutors said Choudary directed the terrorist organisation ALM for a significant period of time from 2014 onwards.

He also encouraged support for the group by addressing online meetings of the Islamic Thinkers Society (ITS).

Choudary gave lectures to the New York-based ITS, which prosecutors said was “the same” as ALM.

A person found guilty of directing a terrorist organisation, contrary to section 56 of the Terrorism Act 2000, is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for life.

The visibly shocked Choudary was told to show his hands[/caption]
He was sitting with his hands on his lap not appearing to react to what was said[/caption]

Commander Dominic Murphy, head of the Metropolitan Police‘s counter-terrorism command, said Choudary faces a “significant” jail sentence.

The defendant stood motionless in the dock with his arms crossed as the jury’s verdict was delivered.

ITS was infiltrated by undercover law enforcement officers in the US, who were present at online lectures in 2022 and 2023, held over the Element messenger platform.

ALM was proscribed as a terror organisation in the UK in 2010, though it was said in court the group has continued to exist under various names.

Police react to landmark conviction

Commander Dominic Murphy, head of Scotland Yard’s Counter-Terrorism Command, said: “This is the first time we have brought people together on a truly transnational terrorism investigation.”

He said Choudary had “been a pretty constant presence” for more than 30 years, adding: “His influence as a radicaliser is well-known.”

But Cdr Murphy said the global reality “is that there are individuals who have conducted terrorist attacks or travelled for terrorist purposes as a result of Choudary’s impact on them.”

He warned about “an increasingly large number” of young people – particularly teenage boys – being linked to terrorist investigations.

Cdr Murphy said: “It is deeply worrying and it’s something that we need to think about.

“Voices like Anjem Choudary and the reach of those online environments and secure apps, make it much easier to have an impact on younger people than perhaps we might have seen several years ago.”

NYPD Deputy Commissioner Rebecca Weiner said it was a “historic case”, describing Choudary as a “shameless, prolific radicalizer”.

Deputy Commissioner Weiner said: “It is usually the foot soldiers, the individuals who are brought into the network who go on to commit the attacks who are brought to justice.

“And it’s rarely the leader, which is what makes this a particularly important moment.”

She said that ITS was “ALM’s US base branch”, adding that “names may have changed, years may have passed, but the threat really remained constant.”

The conviction followed investigations by the Metropolitan Police, the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Prosecutor Tom Little KC, opening the trial at Woolwich Crown Court on June 13, said Choudary had a “warped and twisted mindset”.

Omar Bakri Muhammad, who founded ALM, was in prison in Lebanon between 2014 and March 2023, and Choudary stepped in and “filled the void”, Mr Little said.

Choudary, who was convicted of supporting the so-called Islamic State in 2016, denied inviting support to ALM through lectures to ITS because the group “didn’t exist”.

He said during the trial that ALM was disbanded in 2004 because founder Muhammad had a shift in ideology.

The court heard that Choudary, whose licence conditions expired in July 2021 following his 2018 release from prison, said he viewed being called an extremist or fanatic as a “medallion” during lectures.

Khaled Hussein, 29, who prosecutors said was a “follower and dedicated supporter” of Choudary, was also found guilty of membership of ALM.

Evidence showed how Hussein was effectively acting as a personal assistant to Choudary, helping to host online lectures and editing extremist online blogs and publications for him.

Choudary was arrested in east London on July 17 of last year while Hussein, from Edmonton in Canada, was detained at Heathrow Airport, having arrived on a flight the same day.#

Timeline of terror - how justice finally caught up with hate preacher

  • May 2014

Omar Bakri Muhammad arrested in Lebanon. Anjem Choudary takes over as “caretaker” leader of ALM.

  • September 2014

Choudary arrested on suspicion of encouraging support for the banned terrorist group Isis.

  • July 2016

Choudary convicted alongside Mohammed Rahman for encouraging support for banned terror group Isis.

  • October 2018

Choudary released from prison on licence.

  • July 2021

Choudary’s licence conditions expire.

  • August 18 2021

Choudary hosts Telegram Channel “Call to Islam” – 715 people subscribe to it.

  • Late August/September 2021

Khaled Hussein, along with others linked to Islamic Thinkers Society (ITS), begin social media campaign calling for Bakri Muhammad to be freed from custody in Lebanon.

  • September 10 2021

Hussein sends message to Canadian undercover officer stating “The Islamic Thinkers Society are actually Al Muhajiroun North America”.

  • October 2021

NYPD makes first contact with the Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism Command in regard to ongoing investigation into ITS.

  • November 17 2021

Hussein sends NYPD undercover officer a voice message which states that he is working for “Sheikh Anjem”.

  • February 2022

Hussein meets Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) undercover officer and sends voice note stating ITS are the “remnants of Al-Muhajiroun”.

  • Spring 2022

RCMP contacts the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command in relation to ongoing investigation into Hussein.

  • June 12 2022

Choudary hosts first online lecture for ITS – attended by NYPD undercover officers. Choudary goes on to hold around 40 lectures or classes for ITS up until April 2023.

  • October 2022

NYPD visits London and meets with the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command to discuss respective investigations and material.

  • March 9 and 22 2023

Covert recordings of Choudary speaking with his wife discussing his involvement in ITS and ALM.

  • March 26 2023

Further covert recording of Choudary speaking with other ITS leaders – Akbar Khattak and Abu Hamza.

  • March 29 and 30 2023

Choudary sends a message to ITS group chat that Bakri Muhammad has been released from prison. Choudary begins sending Bakri Muhammad direct messages the next day.

  • April 2 2023

Choudary hosts further online lecture with ITS which features Bakri Muhammad as a guest speaker.

  • April 30 2023

Covert recording of a phone conversation between Choudary and Bakri Muhammad – within this Choudary confirms to Bakri Muhammad that he took over as “caretaker emir” for ALM.

  • June/July 2023

Met Counter Terrorism Command officers visit the US and Canada to gather further evidence including geo-location restricted video of Choudary detailing his activities with ALM.

  • June 30 2023

Hussein reveals to a Canadian undercover officer his plans to visit Choudary in London.

  • July 17 2023

Choudary arrested at his address and Hussein arrested at Heathrow Airport as he arrives into the UK on a flight from Canada.

Choudary tried to recruit and radicalise budding jihadis[/caption]
The hate preacher is the first-ever Brit to be convicted for membership of the extremist Islamic group Al-Muhajiroun (ALM)[/caption]
Darren Fletcher
Trained lawyer Choudary bragged to his followers that he was untouchable[/caption]