News in English

Get to know our Membership and Development Coordinator, Patrick Casey!


Where are you from? What led you to working at the SF Bicycle Coalition?

I am originally an East Coaster! I spent most of my childhood bopping around the NYC area. I’ve called SF home for quite some time now and I’ve always wanted to see the city grow into a safer and more approachable city for people on bikes. The Coalition has been a collective voice for those seeking that transformation, and I am so excited to finally be a part of that.

What role have bikes played in your life?

Bikes have always been a source of expression, intrigue, and excitement, not to mention a wonderful way to get around. In my biking life, I’ve dabbled in so many different versions of “bikedom”– commuting, mountain biking, the occasional bike polo match, etc – and that diversity in experience is what always keeps me coming back for something new.

What is your favorite part about working with members and volunteers?

So many of our volunteers and members are willing to donate their time to help keep our organization moving forward. They work hard and, what’s more, they simply just have a great time getting involved. They’re  funny, lighthearted, and lovely people and it’s been a joy working with them.

Describe your ideal day off in the city.

Wake up at 9:30am and make some nice coffee. Stroll over to the park at some point and do a little bird watching. Grab lunch at Palm City for some delicious sandwiches. Then back home for a nap and before spending the evening catching up with friends at The Page.