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If failure was the objective, Cheatle succeeded


From all that I’ve read and the resources I’ve spoken with, unless the job/instructions of the United States Secret Service (USSS) were too provide the perfect climate for President Trump to miraculously escape assassination, Corey Comparetore to be murdered and at least two others to be seriously wounded, the USSS under Kim Cheatle’s leadership is the single greatest example of failure to perform the duties for which they exist.

Cheatle, USSS director, has displayed all of the pompous arrogance we have come to expect and anticipate from the unqualified women/men and the “I got hired because I was a crayon-color, lesbian, homosexual, tranny” or insisted upon being identified by the dumbest pronoun(s) that could be conceived.

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Cheatle is the dictionary definition of “massively unqualified” and “failure on the most transpicuous of levels.” But, then that’s what wannabe-Commie progeny of the devil boast of as proof that DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) works. They need not be qualified for a position; they need only be sexually confused, unqualified and/or some derivation of a crayon color. Being unqualified is a skillset for the title they boast. (Sarcasm intended)

In Cheatle’s case, its amazing how far a Bachelor’s Degree in a Sociology from Eastern Illinois University, a former teacher’s college offering a two-year degree, which eventually expanded into a university of sorts, has propelled her.

Consider the miserable failure that Pete Buttigieg has been in his position as Secretary of Transportation. His claim to fame and skillset is he’s a homosexual who believes he can redefine marriage to fit his demonic perceptions of family, in addition to destroying the familial understanding of family for the children he and his supposed husband are falsely parenting. Pretending to be what they’re not is important to the resumes of these people. But I’m digressing.

Cheatle represents every level of incompetence with the participation trophy, DEI identity-driven unskilled today. Her occupation of the title as Director of the USSS is the perfect example of why identity employment assures the least qualified are employed and promoted. Even the Trump-hating Washington Post reported that: “Local police [advised] that they alerted the USSS before [President] Trump’s rally … they lacked the resources to station a patrol car outside a key building where a gunman later positioned himself and shot [President] Trump, according to local and federal law enforcement.”

The neglect of that rooftop wasn’t an accidental oversight by the USSS; it was an intentional and deliberate decision that cost lives, one of which was nearly President Trump’s. This was compounded by the fact that there were agents in the building itself.

Cheatle’s top qualification appears to be that she speaks agency jargon. That ability is an impressive skillset to those posing as media on the leftist news networks. But, speaking like a television make-believe agent who saves Air Force One is singularly ineffective when it comes to the competent performance of a job the level of protecting the President.

Uninformed harridans like those hosting “The View” will argue she’s a strong woman in a man’s position. That’s typical garbage talk from their kind. Cheatle is an unqualified woman who should never have been given the job she occupies. If she had dignity or respect for the position, she would have resigned the same day President Trump was shot and members of the public were murdered and wounded. But with her kind, it’s all about them. She doesn’t respect the position; she basks in the limelight of image projection.

No sane person views the shooting and assassination attempt as anything other than what it was: An attempt to murder President Trump. The other civilians murdered and wounded may or may not have been collateral damage. They may have been intended targets whose background will never truthfully be revealed. I’m not saying that’s the case, but I’m not ruling anything out at this point.

Cheatle claims the nebulous “they” manipulated the USSS for President Trump as needed, blah-blah – all of which was and is an unconvincing job of gaslighting.

Cheatle is between a rock and a hard place. As I shared in a previous op-ed, a member of law enforcement confirmed to me what I had already concluded on my own, which was: “This had to be planned from the top. There is no way that sniper gets that close unless permitted. I now pray that those involved see justice!”

Another person with deep law enforcement access told me point of fact:
“Secret Service on the ground are talking. They watched this kid casing the building, then coming back later and climbing up to the roof. The guy on the roof reported it then, asking permission to shoot a few times in the minutes leading up to it, and whomever was in charge said: ‘Stand down until he takes a shot.’ That was Obama’s military policy when he was prez. We couldn’t fire – the enemy had to fire first. They obviously wanted Trump dead. It had to be an inside job to have that command. ALSO that day they took off the experienced SS detail from Trump and put it with Jill Biden. But, it wasn’t a strategic miss because no one is that good a shot. And the wild shots killing and wounding others makes no sense.”

It doesn’t matter if the USSS were the actual shooters or not; and I personally suspect they were not. They were involved logistically and that should give Cheatle cause for serious concern, because she’s not only expendable, but also necessary to silence.

Cheatle gave farcical excuses for her actions, such as: “Agents were not stationed on the building’s roof, where a shooter targeted a Trump rally, due to it’s ‘sloped roof”… after images show snipers on a similarly sloped roof behind [President] Trump’s podium.” These are like a grade-schooler claiming the dog ate her homework.

Nothing dissuades me that this incompetent, unqualified, painfully illegitimate, out-of-her-depth person is involved in what took place at the Butler, Pennsylvania rally. If I were she, I would have a staff person start my vehicle every time it was to be used … and I would be especially careful in elevators and on stairs.

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