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I never let bugs crash my pool parties – my game-changing hack keeps critters away, plus it gives my yard a fresh scent


A HOME owner has shared a one-step trick that keeps their pool critter-free.

They explained that the technique had bugs steering clear of their water like “it was the plague.”

A pool owner shared a tip that kept their waters pest-free (stock photo)[/caption]

Redditor Engineer_Measly789 shared the tip in a post.

“I’ve been soaking up the sun by my pool lately, and I’ve come up with this wicked idea,” they said.

“You know those annoying bugs that always crash your pool party? Yeah, those little buggers. Well, I found this super simple hack that keeps them away without using those nasty chemicals.”

They explained that one inexpensive ingredient worked wonders to keep pests at bay.

“All you gotta do is grab a few lemongrass stalks and toss [them] around the pool area,” they said.

“Bugs absolutely hate the smell of lemongrass, so they’ll steer clear of your pool like it’s the plague.”

An additional perk, they added, is the refreshing scent the lemongrass leaves behind, which enhances their swimming experience.

“Plus, it gives your backyard a nice fresh scent. It’s been a game-changer for me this summer!”

Others shared their best tips and tricks for easy pool maintenance.

One viewer revealed that some dish soap went a long way to keep their waters clean.

“A little bit of dish soap to push the pollen together from one side of the pool to the other,” they said.

“A tablespoon of dish soap in 20,000 gallons of water? Yes! And the tiles will love it.”

Another created a makeshift filter to keep their pools clean.

“Line your skimmer basket with queen-size knee-high hose,” they said.

They swore by lemongrass as a natural bug-repellant[/caption]

“It traps all the small particles before going to the filter.

“I’m my pool; they usually last a couple of months.

“[You] may need to put a small rock in the bottom to keep the hose from floating up.”

An experienced pool owner filled others in on a cheap buy that made their life easier.

“Or just get a package of skimmer socks on Amazon,” they said.

“They’re $10 for a pack of 30 and disposable.”