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Central Bank postpones launch of automatic PIX feature


Confirming what we anticipated last week, the Central Bank has postponed the launch of Automatic PIX, a new feature of Brazil’s instant payment system. Previously scheduled for October this year, the feature is now slated for launch in June 2025.

Automatic PIX will enable the system’s auto-debit function, allowing users to authorize payments for utility bills and recurring services directly from their bank accounts. The feature is expected to have significant effects on Brazil’s recurring payments industry, particularly impacting the card industry. The Central Bank did not provide reasons for the launch delay.

However, payments experts informed The Brazilian Report that several technical and regulatory issues remain unresolved. These include establishing deadlines for contesting transactions and protocols for data sharing between financial institutions.

The first postponement was attributed to staff shortages and reduced productivity due to  Central Bank workers negotiating salary increases and career restructuring with the federal government. 

Additionally, sources cite a brain drain affecting the monetary authority’s innovation projects. Central Bank head Roberto Campos Neto has frequently mentioned the loss of talented professionals due to budget constraints and lack of financial autonomy.

The Central Bank also updated security rules for PIX. A new limit of BRL 200 per transaction will apply to devices not previously registered by users. This measure aims to minimize fraud by preventing criminals from using unauthorized devices to manage payment keys and initiate PIX transactions. This change will take effect on November 1.

The post Central Bank postpones launch of automatic PIX feature appeared first on The Brazilian Report.