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Kamala Harris: My Intention is to Win the Nomination and Defeat Trump


Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race Sunday and endorsed his pro-abortion vice president Kamala Harris to take his place as the Democrat nominee.

Now that she has Joe Biden’s endorsement to seek the Democrat nomination, Kamala Harris is pushing hard to win the party’s nomination and take on Donald Trump.

“With this selfless and patriotic act, President Biden is doing what he has done throughout his life of service: putting the American people and our country above everything else,” Harris said. “I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination.”

Harris said she would do “everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party-and unite our nation-to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda,” even though Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025.

“We have 107 days until Election Day,” she said. “Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”

No matter what spin she sues, nothing changes the fact that Kamala Harris is a radical abortion activist who would impose abortions up to birth on America.

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While Biden has become the most pro-abortion president in American history, Kamala Harris might be even worse. Harris would fight tooth and nail to impose abortions up to birth on the country nationwide.

SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser called out Kamala’s pro-abortion record in comments to

“Kamala Harris is determined to impose on all 50 states all-trimester abortion without any limits, even painful late-term abortions in the 7th, 8th, and 9th month of pregnancy. Harris is so committed to abortion that she can’t see anything else – including the developmental stages of children before birth or the real needs of women. Questioned several times on national television, Harris refused to name a single limit on abortion she supports. She’s even praised efforts to shut down pregnancy care centers which provide real support for women and families in need while becoming the first sitting vice president to campaign at an abortion business. While Joe Biden has trouble saying the word abortion, Kamala Harris shouts it.

“In contrast, President Trump, JD Vance, and the GOP reject the Democrat attempt to impose abortion on-demand across all 50 states and support the right of states to place limits on abortion. They support providing real options to mothers in need.

“SBA Pro-Life America is leading the charge on the ground, delivering this contrast to over 10 million voters across the eight key battleground states that will determine the outcome of this election.”

Another pro-lie leader was equally concerned about the prospects of Harris and her radical abortion agenda running the White House.

“If elected president, Harris would press on with this Administration’s extreme agenda supporting expansionist policies that push abortion on demand at any time, anywhere, and under any circumstances,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “Kamala Harris is radically pro-abortion and sees the lives of precious unborn babies as expendable.”

Kamala Harris is an abortion apologist who represents the extreme pro-abortion position of the Democratic Party.

“Kamala Harris has acted as the unofficial Abortion Czar of the Biden-Harris Administration,” Tobias told, “She has toured the country pushing unlimited abortion and criticizing protective state laws that support women and their preborn children.”

As a presidential candidate in 2019, Kamala Harris campaigned on requiring states that have historically passed pro-life laws to seek “preclearance” from the Justice Department before enacting any new laws protecting preborn babies and their mothers. Laws passed in those states would be legally unenforceable under a Harris Administration without preclearance from the Justice Department.

Harris supports the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions. While serving in the Senate, Harris voted against the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” which would establish a permanent, government-wide prohibition on federal subsidies for abortion and for health plans that cover abortion with narrow exceptions.

Harris also supports the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” a bill that would enshrine unlimited abortion until birth in federal law and do away with virtually all existing protections for unborn children and their mothers on both the federal and state levels, including parental involvement laws.

Throughout her political career, Harris has received endorsements and campaign donations from groups that promote unlimited abortion, including Planned Parenthood Action Fund, EMILY’s List, and Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America).

Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone told LifeNews that whether it’s Harris or someone else, the Democrat nomine will be an abortion extremist.

“The key point right now for all Americans to remember is that no matter who ends up being the nominee in his place, it changes nothing regarding policy,” Pavone said. “Same destructive policies from the same destructive party: Pro-abortion, open borders, inflation, bad trade deals. A replacement nominee will not mean a better path forward for America.”

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