What Is a D&C?
What happens before a dilation and curettage (D&C)?Your healthcare provider will take a full medical history before a D&C. You should make sure they know what medications you take or about any allergies you have. Be sure to tell them if you suspect you’re pregnant. They may ask you to stop eating and drinking beginning the evening before a D&C.Healthcare providers may recommend medication to soften and dilate (widen) your cervix before a D&C either by using a laminaria stick or by giving you a medication called misoprostol.AdvertisementWhat happens during a dilation and curettage (D&C)?Before the procedure, your provider will go over options for anesthesia with you. Your provider will recommend the best anesthesia option for you based on your medical history and why you’re having the procedure.There are several options for anesthesia during a D&C:General anesthesia, where you’re asleep for the procedure.Regional anesthesia (like an epidural), which means you won’t have feeling from you...