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Age would prevent Trump and Biden from running many top companies − and for good reason


(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.)

Brandon Cline, Mississippi State University

(THE CONVERSATION) Former President Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s nominee, is 78. No one older has ever run for U.S. president as their party’s official nominee. That was also true in 2020, when Trump lost to President Joe Biden.

Biden was 81 when he dropped his reelection bid on July 21, 2024. His age, coupled with apparent signs of cognitive and physical decline, played a major role in efforts to persuade him to step aside. Many politicians, journalists and other Americans are also asking questions and expressing doubts about Trump’s stamina and his ability to lead the nation.

These concerns are justified by research I and a fellow finance professor, Adam Yore, conducted...