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President Joe Biden has done the decent thing by admitting he can no longer be a credible leader of the free world


Joe goes

FINALLY, sense has prevailed.

President Joe Biden has done the decent thing by admitting his failing health means he can no longer be a credible leader of the free world.

President Joe Biden deserves credit for admitting his failing health means he is not fit to lead the free world[/caption]
President’s decision to quit was probably his last hope of stopping bitter rival Donald Trump[/caption]

Biden’s wish for another four years to finish the job may have been understandable on a personal level.

He cannot be blamed for physical decline and he deserves credit for now stepping aside.

There will be some sympathy for his dilemma. But his allies in the Democratic Party spent far too long lying to the American people about the true nature of his condition.

In that respect the White House has behaved more like a Soviet-era Kremlin, propping up a man clearly unfit to meet the demands of his office.

It simply wasn’t right for him to continue faltering in public and in the process risking the security of the wider West in such dangerous times.

What happens next will be crucial.

There is not much time left for his replacement to persuade voters they can defeat dominant Donald Trump.

Many candidates are unknown quantities. Bumbling Vice President Kamala Harris’s known qualities might count against her.

Trump had appeared to be strolling back to the White House.

Biden’s decision to quit was probably his last hope of stopping his bitter rival.

Punish workshy

ALLOWING a system that lets millions claim benefits without looking for work is among the Tories’ gravest failings.

A staggering report by former minister Alan Milburn today reveals the true scale of the problem.

Just ten per cent of those claiming welfare have to show they are looking for a job.

How can one part of South Yorkshire have 4,000 job vacancies and 6,000 economically active people who are never chased or helped into a job?

Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall now has the shocking facts. She must help more people back into work.

And punish the workshy who are being featherbedded off the back of hard-working families.

Screw loose

THE chronic state of our overcrowded prisons may be as a result of government failure to properly plan and invest.

But what on earth is going on with prison officer recruitment?

As we report today the numbers of guards involved in sex with inmates is spiralling.

Something is going horribly wrong with vetting.

And brave officers doing their duty are being badly let down by their criminal colleagues.