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Search » All » Unfinished » Stack #901692 Help Options focusNode Didn't know it?click below Knew it?click below Don't Know Remaining cards (0) Know retryshufflerestart 0:00 apps export edit print Embed Code - If you would like this activity on your web page, copy the script below and paste it into your web page. Normal Size Small Size show me how QuestionAnswer The first machine capable of producing permanent curl was invented in 1905 The inventor of the first permanent wave machine was Charles Nessler 1938 Arnold f. willatt inventened the first cold wave Heat waves that are self-timed and self-heated are called exothermic Acid waves that require the application of heat are endothermic What type of wave uses thioglycolic acid or its derivatives with ammonia and processes the hair without heat Cold The overlap method of wrapping hair around a perm tool is also called croquignole To achieve the desired curl formation hair should wrap around the rod at least how many times 2 1/2 W...