Midwestern folks will see through GOP vice presidential pick J.D. Vance
It would be amusing if it weren't so tragic that S.E. Cupp and other pundits believe Ohio Sen. JD Vance will “appeal” to Midwestern (white) working-class people because of his history.
Have they not read "Hillbilly Elegy," the book that made him notorious? That book describes the misery of the white working class in Appalachia and goes on to blame and sneer at those people for their plight because of their general shiftlessness.
Vance lauds himself for rising above those people to do money-shuffling in Silicon Valley and become a millionaire friend of far-right plutocrats like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk.
Vance became a senator and voted against all measures that would have helped the poor and working classes. He is as phony as a $3 bill. How stupid do he, Cupp and the rest think Midwestern working-class people are?
Michael Gorman, River North
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Thank you, Mr. President
President Biden, there will never be another statesman like you in our lifetime. Your accomplishments and brilliance as president are stellar. You faced world challenges that have been unimaginable. Your skill, your empathy, your grace, your political brilliance have been a gift to the American people. Thank you.
Take care of yourself now. You have earned this time. Health is our first priority. We know you will continue to offer your knowledge and experience on behalf of the country you love and have served your entire adult life. Thank you for being our excellent president in every way!
Elynne & Richard Aleskow, Lake View
Biden can still serve the nation
Just because Joe Biden can’t or doesn’t want to undergo the strains of a vigorous campaign, and possibly doesn’t think he can serve another four years, doesn’t mean he can’t serve for the next six months. This is no matter what Rep. Lauren Boebert and other deep thinkers in Donald Trump’s GOP may argue.
Michael M. Bates, Tinley Park
The GOP’s “blue funk”
So Kathy Salvi, the chair of the Illinois GOP, wants to get the state out of its "blue funk." In my opinion, the only people in such a state are conservatives who are either unable or unwilling to live with the rest of us in the 21st century.
Steve Herr, West Ridge
Our gun problem is out of control
Reading the July 15 news, I recalled my first thought when news came over about Donald Trump being grazed by a bullet in Pennsylvania was “what does Trump think about guns now?" The second was that Trumplicans will use this to their advantage. I was gobsmacked that President Joe Biden said “the idea that there is violence in America like this is unheard of." No, President Biden, as others have commented, "violence has become the norm." Our gun problem, justified by either lack of knowledge about the intent of the Second Amendment or lack of gun controls (you don’t hunt with an assault rifle), is so far out of control that I don’t see how it will ever be rectified.
There are no consequences to match the violent behavior of the perpetrators, but it’s OK for the victims to suffer. Youths who do these acts must be treated as adults and not allowed to beg off due to race or poverty because neither are justification. We are all sharing this planet, and we must be humane to each other if we are to survive and thrive. Education can reduce and eliminate poverty, and we all need to be color blind so race is never an issue.
I’d also like to comment on Mayor Brandon Johnson’s hope that he will become the city’s longest-serving mayor. For him to do that he had better change tactics. So far it looks as if he is auditioning for a reality show, spending $30K on grooming. If that is what he thinks will solve the problems the city has, then he hasn’t any hope of getting even a second time. Stop blaming everything on previous administrations and start addressing the real problems we are facing.
Chicago is a great city and when I traveled to foreign countries I used to take a book in their language about our great city.now I find myself trying to dispel the thought we are just a crime-ridden, scary place.
Jackie Brennan, Avondale
We need more immigrants, not fewer
During his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention Donald Trump continued to bash immigrants and grossly exaggerated the threat they pose to Americans.
While we do need to address illegal immigration, immigrants are vitally important to the very fabric of American life. Given the contributions legal and illegal immigrants have made, this is unfortunate especially for those who are in our country legally. Many are working in jobs that most Americans avoid such as landscaping, domestic service and hospitality. Earning paychecks, they are also enhancing economic growth and have helped us to avoid a recession.
We actually need more immigrants, not less. There are severe nursing shortages and if we wish to compete against rivals such as China, we need to attract skilled immigrants who can develop and enhance software and artificial intelligence. Trained technicians are also badly needed in the semiconductor industry.
It is unfortunate that many skilled immigrants have already decided not to come to the United States where criticism of immigrants has become the norm, preferring to go to more welcoming countries like Canada.
Larry Vigon, Jefferson Park