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‘I’ve done this turn 100s of times!’ slams driver fined for turning right in a box junction… but are they wrong?


THIS is the moment a car creeps into a box junction to turn right – and gets hit with a hefty fine for doing so.

A Facebook user shared CCTV footage of them sat in a yellow box for a few seconds due to oncoming traffic.

The blue car driver approaches the junction and wants to turn right[/caption]
Due to oncoming traffic, the car is unable to keep driving[/caption]
The car therefore has to sit in the yellow box junction

But the Facebook user expressed her shock at receiving a fine for turning right in the box junction.

She said in the Facebook post: “This is the first time I have got a PCN for turning right in a box junction in a place I frequent a lot and have done this turn 100s of times.

“I was under the impression that when turning right and you’re prevented from turning by oncoming traffic you can be in the box junction by law.

“Is this correct? Or have I misunderstood the Highway Code here?”

The post attracted hundreds of comments – and completely divided users on whether they thought the fine was justified or not.

Many users were urging the driver to appeal it.

One said: “You’re correct appeal it.

“Get a copy of the Highway Code, photograph the relevant bit and send it in.”

Another said: “Definitely appeal! You are allowed to enter the box junction when you are going right on the opposite side.”

And: “I would appeal as well.

“I checked this not long ago and confirmed that this is still the case.

“It is legal if you are turning right.”

But other users seemed to disagree – claiming the Highway Code doesn’t permit sitting in a yellow box even if you’re turning right.

One user commented: “There was no space to go into so you shouldn’t have gone.”

Another user agreed: “Shouldn’t be stationary on the box junction.”

Some eagle-eyed viewers of the footage think they may have got to the bottom of the bizarre fine situation however.

Footage shows a van sneak into the box junction before sitting there for a few seconds and shifting as far forward as possible to get out of it.

Some Facebook users think the blue car got mixed up with the van and therefore the wrong vehicle has been fined.

One individual pointed this out: “You sure the camera wasn’t after that van and got your licence plate number instead?

“Defo appeal it. You are correct (assuming you are the car).”

It is still unclear on whom is right in the situation.

But as of Rule 174 of the Highway Code, it appears the driver may be correct to appeal.

It reads: “You may enter the box and wait when you want to turn right, and are only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic, or by other vehicles waiting to turn right.”

Information on yellow box junctions

YELLOW box junctions are a regular feature on our roads, but what do they mean?

By Chloe Stratton | Jimmy Grant

Here’s everything you need to know about the rules and penalties involved in navigating them.

What are yellow box junctions?

In terms of how a yellow box junction looks, the name is pretty self-explanatory.

It is a yellow box at a junction of two or more roads, which is accented by criss-crossed lines.

You can also occasionally find them at roundabouts or outside fire and ambulance stations.

These boxes are designed to keep the junction clear for through-traffic as a way to avoid traffic jams.

They also keep the space free to ensure that fire engines always have a clear exit from fire stations.

Yellow box junctions don’t require signage, so you’ll need to keep an eye out for them.

Can you be fined for stopping in a yellow box junction?

You can be fined for stopping in a yellow box junction if you attempt to use it when the exit is not clear.

If you’re caught stopping inappropriately, then you’ll could receive a fine ranging from £70 to £130 depending on the junction — but the fine is halved if it is paid within 14 days of being issued.

Many yellow box junctions are monitored by enforcement cameras, which can automatically process penalty charge notices if you illegally stop in one.