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Recipes That Kids Love (From a Mother of 7!)

I was recently searching for “recipes that kids love,” and was so disappointed in the results. Hot Dog Sliders with Mango Salsa?? Peanut Butter, Jelly & Pork Sandwiches?? Who are the children that eat such things? I’m so confused.As a mother of 7 children, ranging from 4 to 19 years old, I figured I should contribute to this lacking internet, rather than complain about it. Although, I would love MORE favorite kids recipes in my arsenal, I can definitely share a good handful of kid-friendly (more like “kid-loving”) meals that are super easy to make. Hopefully, this list will make your life easier and your kids happier. I know I’ll be referring to it often, as I have a major case of mom-brain… I can’t remember anything anymore, even my own ideas! Oh, and I just wanted to reiterate… my kids love ALL of these recipes. I’m not sharing anything they don’t ask for and get excited about. I’ll be sure to include main dish recipes, as well as desserts, lunches, and any other category. Enjoy!Main...