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CNN accused of bias for 'unbelievable reporting' ignoring Trump's sexual assault liability


CNN has been accused of being "in the tank" for Donald Trump after a recent report in which the outlet buries the fact that the former president was found liable for sexual assault.

A jury found that Trump sexually violated a magazine writer in a store years ago, and ordered him to pay millions of dollars for the assault and the defamation the followed years later when she came forward.

CNN on Saturday, however, published an article with this headline: "Trump has long been criticized for his public treatment of women. The ones in his life argue he's different in private."

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The odd juxtaposition did not go unnoticed.

Ammar Moussa, d

"Unbelievable reporting from [CNN] here. Who are you going to believe? Your eyes, the judicial systems, and Donald Trump’s own words?" the director asked Saturday. "Or the people the Trump campaign fed to [CNN national political reporter Arit John]."

@egoldstein replied that, "

"He scared them into submission, and now they all want to make sure they’re in a position to prosper should he win," the account wrote. "Integrity is gone. Personal ambition has taken its place."

Political scientist Miranda Yaver, PhD, also chimed in:

"Judge: Trump raped E. Jean Carroll. CNN: Okay, but what about all the women he didn’t rape?"

Author Patrick S. Tomlinson said, "Trump treats women in private. He rapes them."

"What are you even doing, CNN

Sebastian Murdock said the CNN article does eventually mention the civil liability.

"if you're curious, this story does eventually mention that Trump was found liable by a jury of sexual abuse. It's a single line 27 graphs down."