Slowing the Hideous Biden Police State
President Trump is a great man, and what’s more, a brave man. I would not ordinarily call him a political philosopher of a high order, but now I think he is. He spoke in extremely broad terms Thursday night about his plans to stop the invasion of illegal aliens, about the absolutely vital deregulation of energy production, about the need for more police and more respect for police.
The enemies of freedom are everywhere, especially in courts and media.
But he was too polite to mention what is to me by far the most important issue in America today and how crucial it is that Trump be elected to literally save America.
For almost all of our existence, we have been a Constitutional Republic. Issues of almost every kind were settled by speeches, campaigns, and ballots.
But under Joe Biden, the U.S. moved at lightning speed towards becoming a police state. For more than 200 years, if a man or woman opposed another person or a political party, there were speeches, campaigns, votes to see who would prevail.
Under Joe Biden though and his handpicked crew of prosecutors, all of that changed. If you stood up to the Democrat party, especially the ultra-left wing of the Democrat party, Democrat prosecutors had Grand Juries indict you, prosecute you, wage nonstop smear campaigns against you, jail you, and then imprison you for unprecedented sentences.
There could be an endless conveyor belt of such Police State behavior in any district or state or county in America. Any two-bit DA could get a local Grand Jury to lock you up and throw away the key.
This is Stalin’s Russia, not Washington’s America.
Of course, the main targets of the left’s Police State tactics were conservatives anywhere, demonstrators against the Police State, and naturally, Donald Trump himself.
There was no clear stopping point to the march towards the Police State except an uprising by the voters.
Mr. Trump has now given us that miraculous event. Thanks to his courage and his eloquence and that of his friends, the Biden/DNC Police State has been stopped in its tracks. This is a genuine uprising for liberty. Yes, someone tried to stop it a few days ago with an assassin’s bullet. But God stayed his hand and Mr. Trump and America survived.
Of course, the haters will now keep hating and keep trying to institute a Police State. But thanks to the Almighty, the tides of freedom keep rolling. Thank you, Dear God. Thank you, Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance. This was a narrow escape. Let’s keep our eyes open. The enemies of freedom are everywhere, especially in courts and media. But we who love liberty are everywhere, too.
READ MORE from Ben Stein:
The Coup d’Etat Against Candidate Trump
The post Slowing the Hideous Biden Police State appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.