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Unmasking The TTA-TTP Nexus: A Grave Threat To Regional Peace And Security – OpEd


The relationship between the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Afghan Taliban (TTA) is a major threat to the stability of the region. The impact of terror activities from Afghan territories to the neighboring countries especially Pakistan has become a worrying issue. The TTP is a highly organized militant group that conducts systematic terror attacks to spread terror and insecurity in Pakistan and operates in the grey zone to avoid accountability.

TTP terrorists have been actively carrying out well-coordinated attacks on the Pakistani soil and its innocent citizens and installations. These activities, which are usually performed covertly in order to avoid the immediate consequences, demonstrate the ongoing danger to Pakistan. This threat has been recently illustrated by the release of a video with TTP leader Noor Wali Mehsud. From the video, Mehsud is heard ordering his handlers to conduct terror attacks on the Pakistani people, civil property and the Armed Forces to terrorize the public and demoralize security forces.

The enemies of Pakistan, the extremist Khawarij of TTP, have been trying to sabotage peace in the country in the name of implementing a twisted version of Sharia. Their barbaric acts have involved the killing of the innocent people, especially women and children. The recent attack in the DI Khan area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on a rural health center claimed the lives of many innocent people. Recently, a clandestine telephone conversation between Noor Wali Mehsud, the chief of TTP, and his militants has gone viral on social media in which he has directed his men to conduct acts of terrorism in Pakistan. He instructs them to attack schools, hospitals and government installations to cause confusion and havoc. Furthermore, he warns them not to take responsibility for these attacks in order to escape the blame.

The call also contains directions to local TTP commander Ahmed Hussain, alias Ghat Hajji, to attack the houses of policemen and military personnel. They are being instructed to either shut schools or bomb them, but to do so covertly and without taking credit for the act. This strategy is aimed at creating a culture of fear and interfering with the everyday lives of Pakistani citizens without engaging the security forces. The Pakistani government has no other option than to ensure that it investigates this call and ensure that the culprits are dealt with accordingly. The factors that led to the chaos and destruction in Pakistan should be brought to book for their actions. This secret call has been exposed on social media, and this has revealed the evil intentions of the TTP, which does not care about Islam, humanity, or moral standards. These mercenaries’ primary intention is to make people live in fear.

This means that there must be a collective response from regional and international actors to effectively deal with the TTA-TTP nexus. Measures such as improving border control, cooperation in sharing of intelligence and conducting operations against the terrorists can go a long way in dismantling the terrorist networks that are based in Afghanistan. However, the prevention of terrorism requires the identification of the causes of terrorism including poverty, unemployment and political instabilities to be solved in order to bring long term peace and security in the region.

The relationship between the TTA and the TTP is a volatile one and has dire consequences for Pakistan and the rest of the region. Terror sponsored by this alliance from Afghan territory has led to a series of deadly attacks in Pakistan to destabilise the country. The TTP, with backing and safe haven in Afghanistan, has directed a strategy of violence that impacts civilians, assets, and security personnel. These attacks are not mere acts of violence but are well orchestrated in order to cause confusion, panic and insecurity.

The TTP has in recent years demonstrated a worrying capacity to execute large scale and well co-ordinated operations. These operations are well coordinated to have the best results and normally include suicide bombers, armed attacks and IEDs. The goal is not only to inflict physical damage but also to send a psychological message: that the state cannot protect its people from harm. This strategy of functioning in the ‘grey area’ – launching attacks without directly owning up to them – helps the TTP keep one step ahead of the security forces, as the latter cannot pin point the former directly.

The recent revelation of a secret call with TTP chief Noor Wali Mehsud shows the group’s evil plans. During the call, Mehsud can be heard telling his men in detail where to attack sensitive civilian and military installations in Pakistan. The directive also involves targeting schools, hospitals, and government installations in order to create a state of confusion and chaos. Mehsud's strategy is clear: to scare the people, demoralize the security agencies and undermine the people’s confidence in the government’s capacity to provide security.

The participation of local commanders such as Ahmed Hussain, also known as Ghat Hajji, shows the TTP’s operational capacity and local networks. The TTP particularly attacks the homes of policemen and military men with the intention of disheartening the security personnel who are fighting terrorism. The command to either shut schools or demolish them indicates a deliberate plan to disrupt the continuity of life and ensure that the future generations do not get a chance at education. Such actions are unambiguously destructive of the social fabric of Pakistan and are a clear attempt to reverse the clock on progress and development.

These threats are real and the Pakistani government has to be very responsive and proactive in addressing them. The TTP has been very careful to keep its intentions and plans a secret, but the leaked call on social media proves otherwise. It is important that this information is used to investigate the cases and apprehend the culprits to the fullest. Police forces and intelligence services should work together to counter the TTP and to stop the group from carrying out more operations. Furthermore, much more needs to be done to counter the ideological and material support that sustains the TTP and its like.

Cooperation with other countries is also very important in this fight against terrorism. The TTA-TTP connection is not limited to a certain region but is a global problem since the situation in one country can affect others. The countries in the region and the international community must cooperate in sharing information, cutting off the funding sources, and applying diplomatic pressure on states that host terrorists. Thus, the integration of efforts can greatly improve the efficiency of counter-terrorism measures.

Moreover, it is critical to focus on the prevention of terrorism and find ways to eliminate the causes of terrorism. Hence, poverty, unemployment, and political marginalization are the main factors that make it easier for extremism to develop. Education, economic growth, and good governance can reduce the attraction of the terrorist groups. It is a long-term approach but the only way to stop the violence and create a better future for everyone involved.

The TTA-TTP nexus represents a formidable challenge to regional peace and security. The persistent threat of cross-border terrorism emanating from Afghan soil demands a comprehensive and multi-faceted response. By strengthening border security, enhancing intelligence cooperation, and addressing the underlying socio-economic issues, the region can move towards a more stable and secure future. The stakes are high, but with collective resolve and action, the menace of terrorism can be overcome, paving the way for lasting peace and prosperity.