Rent-to-Own Homes and Section 8: Compatible? • Low Income Housing Hub
Can I Rent to Own With Section 8?Many low-income families on the Section 8 housing assistance program (or looking to join the program) dream of owning their own homes. Unfortunately, low finances and bad credit make it difficult for them to buy a home upfront.While Section 8 provides a housing solution for low-income earners, does it also realize their dreams of buying a house? Yes, it does.On the Section 8 housing assistance, tenants can participate in the Section 8 Homeownership program through Housing and Urban Development (HUD) federal-funded organizations.Through these organizations, you can buy and own a public housing unit via a rent-to-own agreement.The Homeownership program allows qualified tenants to rent-to-own by using the Public Housing Agency’s voucher to pay for part of the mortgage on a home of the prospective tenant’s choice.Usually, the rent-to-own agreement that the HUD-funded programs offer to tenants is just like the regular agreements in rent-to-own programs. The...