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10 Vintage Recipes That Ruin Salads Forever

Once we've eaten and boozed our way through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's, it's only natural that by the time we get to the beginning of January many us have resolved to eat healthier. We don't just want to get in better shape, we're actually desperate for the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables. With the holidays behind us, a salad starts to look a lot better than a plate of fries. Unless of course, you're looking at vintage salad recipes. Then, you might want to run and hide.AdvertisementVintage recipes are always pushing the limit with culinary experimentation -- like with this Jell-O dish topped with shrimp frosting -- and they usually make us glad that we didn't have to live through their era. But with recipes as simple as salads, we were sure that nothing could screw them up, not even vintage. We couldn't have been more wrong. And usually, mayonnaise was to blame. Behold, the worst salad recipes that history has to offer.Deviled Lettuce SaladHey, My Mom Used To Make Tha...