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Russia and Afghanistan businesses switch from dollar to ruble, and Afghani


Russia and Afghanistan are abandoning the dollar in mutual settlements, switching to rubles and Afghanis, according to Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan Dmitry Zhirnov.

“Russia and Afghanistan are under unilateral illegitimate sanctions, and moving away from the dollar is one of the options,” Zhirnov said, as reported by TASS news agency.

He added that Afghanistan still needs to work on its currency conversion.

Zhirnov noted that economic relations between Russia and Afghanistan and the volume of trade between the countries are growing.

The diplomat mentioned that the Taliban regime has become Moscow’s ally in combating terrorism.

“The Taliban certainly are our allies in the fight against terrorism. They are working to eradicate terrorist cells,” he said.

Zhirnov said that Russia will focus on its own interests regarding the recognition and exclusion of the Taliban from the list of prohibited organizations.

He emphasized that Daesh (ISIS) is an enemy of the Taliban, and the Taliban is actively pushing it out.

“The security situation is changing. ISIS (Daesh) is the enemy of the Taliban, and they are pushing it out,” Zhirnov said.

The shift by Russian and Afghanistan businesses from using the dollar to adopting the ruble and Afghani highlights significant changes in international economic and geopolitical dynamics. This move reflects both countries’ attempts to strengthen economic ties and reduce reliance on the dollar amid ongoing global uncertainties.

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