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Beyond secrecy, time to invent your own gender in California schools?


California schools are about to be overrun with woodland animals, pets, vampires, celestial bodies, emoji-selfs, and much more. And it’s been the gender activists’ dream that parents will never be the wiser.

Thanks to Governor Gavin Newsom, kids can now change their genders and pronouns in the K-12 public schools without parent notification. Newsom signed the legislation just this week.  

Today, the proponents say that genders are limitless. And so are the pronouns.

The genders Newsom has been promoting go well beyond “man,” “woman,” and even the nonsensical “non-binary.”

Students can now embrace “neogenders,” like off-the-wall inventions such as “foxgender,” “moongender,” and even “vampiregender,” with accompanying pronouns that can sometimes defy spoken language, à la the “emoji-self” pronoun. 

Whereas a proper sentence used to state, “She said she would do it herself.” In the California neo-pronoun world, the sentence today reads, “Fox said fox would do it foxself.”

We know this because staffers from the organization pushing this and funded by state grants —Gender Spectrum—said so.

A couple of years ago, Newsom’s Department of Health gave Gender Spectrum grants worth $2.3 million to embed itself into California schools by conducting professional development training on all things gender.

We received video from the organization’s 2022 Gender Spectrum Family Conference, where staffers facilitated conversations on topics like gender surgeries on minor children, health insurance for gender conversions, and, of course, “neogenders.”

Our auditors blew the whistle on this by first publishing our research about the conference and the state grants to Gender Spectrum in August 2023.

From conference video we learned that neogenders may “describe gender as a personal, aesthetic, synesthetic, or head-space oriented experience.”

A child could, for example, identify as “foxgender” and use the “foxself” pronoun. This does not always mean the child believes he or she is a fox, but rather the child may identify with “aspects of a fox, whether that’s their appearance, their personality, or how they’re viewed in society.”

Presenter Naomi Cruz, a Gender Spectrum program manager, further advises school staff to go out of their way to avoid telling parents about their child’s new “identity,” encouraging staff to sneak behind parents’ backs to keep this as a little secret between them and the confused student:

“The youth may request, obviously, ‘don’t use these pronouns around my parents,’ but when you two are alone or in spaces where their parents are not there, or the youth has indicated that it’s safe, making sure to use those neopronouns or making sure to refer to them in ways that make them feel gender affirmed.” said Cruz.

Lunacy? Well, some California schools tried to hit back and required notification to parents if their child started going by a new name or pronouns.

However, Newsom and the state legislature just squashed those attempts at preserving the child-parent bond, while claiming just the opposite:

“It [the newly signed measure] protects the child-parent relationship by preventing politicians and school staff from inappropriately intervening in family matters and attempting to control if, when, and how families have deeply personal conversations,” said Newsom spokesman Brandon Richards.

If you think this is simply more California insanity, consider the following…

Gender Spectrum’s ideas are already becoming entrenched in federal policies. The National Sex Education Standards, cited by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control for use in schools nationwide, were developed in consultation with a staffer from Gender Spectrum.

Those standards say that “by 5th grade children should be able to describe the role of puberty blockers on those who identify as transgender. Also, fifth graders should differentiate between sexual orientation and gender identity and explain that gender expression and gender identity exist along a spectrum.”

There’s no reason to think that “spectrum” does not include foxes, moons, vampires, cats, or even “rocks.”

Gavin Newsom is opening a pandora’s box of pronouns. And state school districts are now prohibited from closing the lid. Strong federal action will be needed to cut tax dollars off from the schools in on the gender charade.

Until then, parents must be vigilant of any fox-selfs in the schoolhouse.

Adam Andrzejewski is the CEO & founder of the non-profit