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Difference Between a Sports Medicine Doctor and a Physical Therapist | Total Orthopaedic Care

in Sports MedicineSeptember 17, 2021 Tagged With: orthopedic doctor, sports injury, Sports Medicine Doctor Lauderdale Lakes, sports medicine doctors, sports medicine physicianA sports medicine doctor and a physical therapist are two different specialists. One is a licensed medical doctor (MD), while the other is a movement expert. The choice you make as to which one of the two you see can make a big difference in how you feel as well as the outcome of your treatment.Sports Medicine DoctorMost sports medicine doctors have racked up years of medical school and have undergone residency training before pursuing a fellowship in sports medicine. Fellowship programs in sports medicine take one to two years to complete. During this time, the doctor expands his knowledge on sports injuries.A sports injury is classified as an orthopedic problem that occurs from sports, exercise, or other physical activities. Ankle sprains, hamstring strains, clavicle fractures, rotator cuff injuries, shoulder di...