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National recognition for Delaware County medics


DELAWARE COUNTY, Ohio (WCMH) – Delaware County Emergency Medical Services (DCEMS) was recently recognized on the national level for how it cares for those suffering from heart attacks or strokes.

“I always say anybody can take somebody to the hospital or anybody can show up to a house, pick somebody up and take them to the hospital, but how you treat them and what you do is really what makes the difference," Jeff Fishel, Director of DCEMS, said.

The agency was recently recognized by the American Heart Association (AHA). It's now been recognized by the AHA for 10 years in a row. It's the eighth straight year the agency has been awarded the EMS Gold Achievement Award from the AHA's Mission Lifeline Program, according to the county, AHA's highest honor.

"For our staff, I like to think when they are receiving the call of chest pain or possible heart attack and somebody’s life is in their hands, they’re very comfortable, competent and confident in what they’re doing because they train so diligently on it," Fishel said. 

Having chest pain can be scary, and it's a common call DCEMS gets. The hope is always it's not something serious like a heart attack or stroke. When it is, DCEMS said they're ready.

“This is our bread and butter, cardiac care is what we do," Captain Glen Keating said. "We come in every day and we handle cardiac care and we handle all kinds of other patient care."

Fishel was quick to point out the work which led to the recognition is a team effort between his agency, the 911 dispatchers, local fire departments and hospitals.

“We’re really really proud of what our staff does," he said. "We train really hard at this, we take this so so seriously, this is our job, and we want to make sure we provide the best possible care to the citizens and visitors of Delaware County."