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Hakeem Jeffries Reasserts Full Support For President Biden


The media is breathlessly reporting on calls for President Joe Biden to step down. They have to, though, you guys. The media does this for profit. Biden has a stellar record of achievements during his nearly four years in office. And he has surrounded himself with a more than capable team, including Vice President Kamala Harris.

Despite media speculation (hi, New York Times!), House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries confirmed that he's all-in for Joe Biden to win another term. And Biden has earned a second term. Still, the media will continue to mind-fuck us.

"Biden, as I've said repeatedly, is our nominee," Jeffries told reporters. "He has a tremendous track record of success."

"He's one of the most accomplished American presidents in our history," he added. "And he has the vision, I believe, the ability, the capacity, and the track record to make a case to the American people that will result in us being successful in November."

Speaking of the New York Times:

In a letter to colleagues on Friday that notably did not endorse Mr. Biden’s decision to stay in the race, Mr. Jeffries did not reveal what he had told the President, but said he had passed along what he had been hearing from Democrats — many of whom have told him over the past week that the President must step aside.

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