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Chat log from R19 of 2024: Essendon vs Adelaide


Dondeal: Good to see you don’t run Windows 10 Monty
frenzy: evening chaps
Pavs: Evening all
bushranger: Good luck everyone, no injuries please
circle52: Evening all
soup: very glad that FF is up and running on this fine friday evening, go VC Caldwell
Cam123: Go Zerrett & Martin
Pavs: Anyone throwing a VC in tonights game
Cam123: Zerrett VC
navy_blues: evening all
Stu7: Zerret, Caldwell, Ridley, Laird & Dowling
Stu7: Navy
navy_blues: love to see crows win lol
Stu7: Zerret Pavalova
Ash777: hoping for a crows win
Noxious: Evening gents
missmagic: Ridley and Zerett both have the V in different keeper leagues many others playing tonight with the E
Ash777: unlikely to happen though
Stu7: I?ll fall on my sword if Caldwell goes big tonight as I didn?t VC him
Stu7: Noxa
Noxious: I went the Caldwell VC
Stu7: I was tempted Nox but I heard he sat out of some of the training
Fordy13: evening gents.
Stu7: Worried he has an injury
Stu7: Fordy
Noxious: I actually forgot about that stu lol damn haha hope it works out
Stu7: Same Nox
Fordy13: Great kick by Martin, he’s looped at D7 tonight, hope he goes big.
Stu7: Ah well that the good thing about the VC Nox you get to reload if it fails
soup: dawson you crab
Ash777: crows you suck
Pavs: You got Dawson then Soup
Fordy13: tonight is probably a night that you actually want to play under the roof. Vic weather has been atrocious today.
Noxious: At least Martin is going well again
Noxious: The double celebration from Rachele
Stu7: Laird is a gun
Pavs: Jumpers similar front on (colours)
clay007: What sort of gun stu?
SonOfAGun.: Shower stringer
original: wish Tom Green scored like Dowling for handballs (lol)
Stu7: Shotgun clay
bhg26: Very unselfish there from stringer
Stu7: Caldwell dissapointing Nox
slydon: stringer is not on one tonight
clay007: I think he is more of a pistol caliber carbine. Been very reliable tonight stu
SonOfAGun.: Stringer been shower for the last 5 plus weeks
naicosfan: man merrett is such a hard non-own, also sorry if ridley showers the bed i traded him in this week
Stu7: Good call clay, he scores well for the amount of time on ground he gets
circle52: Murray subbed
bhg26: Get stringer out of the midfield right now
soup: murray looks devastated
bhg26: Dowling we are not worthy
soup: at what point do i loop dowling on for steele or green
circle52: I have him on filed so hope he keeps going.
Stu7: I take that back clay Dowling is the offical gun
clay007: 100 soup
Pavs: I’d take 90 something soup
OffaStep: What do we reckon the target is to take the Dowling loop over Rowell?
bhg26: Take Steele off if dowling hits 100 i reckon soup
bhg26: Saying that he plays wet toast
Stu7: Glad you didn?t have him on field circle lol
soup: 50 offa haha
clay007: Shiel tog 54 %
original: caldwell having a stinker
OffaStep: Going for 50, any lower bids?
Stu7: Zerret 0 score this round
Stu7: It?s gotta be 100 soup
Noxious: I’d take 40 over Rowell
Noxious: I’d take Clarry over Rowell lol
Pavs: Pretty sure Brayshaw doesn’t know half these players so he doesn’t call them
clay007: Zac Taylor, SC price? Could be a good late season pickup to generate cash
bhg26: 146k clay but going to rise massive this week already -33 be
Stu7: Brayshaw = Flog
Ash777: dons defensive transition is so awful
Fordy13: What score does Dowling have to get to for me to swap out one of Fish, Curnow or Simpkin
Stu7: Merret zero points this 1/4
clay007: Missed the boat again on this bhg. Should have loaded the gun this week…sigh
slydon: merrett needs to get into this game and start making an impact
original: couldnt get dowling into forward. so playing richards instead
original: ben mckay handballs are yuck
fishman_da: How has Zerrett played 80% of time? He’s been on the bench every time I’ve looked
clay007: Geez, Crom has come to play. Dons in a fight.
TheOnyas: onya lairdy
bhg26: McKays forgotten how to footy
Stu7: Shattered original
fishman_da: Every time Zerrett is off Crows kick goals
original: ade coast to coast is unreal.
soup: go crom!
clay007: Keays is off to a local pub after this to sing in his Elvis cover band
original: ah the caldwell premo days were short lived
soup: imagine VC’ing him original..
Noxious: Agreed soup lol
Stu7: Injured for sure original
soup: no worries though. Butters C
Stu7: That?s harsh soup
original: ouch sorry boys
naicosfan: im going vc sinclair into c butters this week
bhg26: Caldwell when you get on the ground its the yellow thing
Gotigres: Forgot that I had Caldwell
Stu7: Has Dowling done a Dempsey?
Ash777: I couldn’t afford Caldwell at the time so got Rozee
Social: Silsorpe….. Thpethial
soup: cant go wrong with that naicos. hoping to get sinc as a luxury upgrade but cant go too big tomorrow
original: caldwell not getting many CBAs tonight so far
clay007: Dowling BE -20. He will make some cash tonight, but you might not need to loop him in
Legix: McKay oh no
naicosfan: we dont need cash clay we need scoring
soup: Essington defenders… can load up a stat sheet but couldn’t defend a blade of grass
Noxious: Witches hats for essendon players yet?
Brian00173: Tex who?
slydon: this is a disgusting performance
Gotigres: How do I update the trade Trew to Taylor?
m0nty: total Cromination
bhg26: This is a flood
FreeHughsy: I?m sick of McKay and my club
slydon: flower off monty
slydon: switching off F this
Hepatitis: merrett going missing when his team needs him most. shock me
bhg26: Crom fans cromming all over the place
Social: They need an energy boost, staminade perhaps
clay007: Love it Monty. need one more from you. Maybe Essendone
Legix: That?s it Caldwell get into the game
Hepatitis: slydon standard fans
Phasir: Funny how the real Essendon is showing up now. Even the vAFL’s dodgy roster can’t get them into the finals
Ash777: dons getting a gift
original: good few mins from caldwell
navy_blues: lol poor sly
original: emergency loophole on dawson. probably take him
Stu7: Gresham what a spud glad we got rid of him – anyone want Max King?
MontyJnr: How lucky are Caldwell owners getting goal assist points gifted to him haha what a rort
Brian00173: Zerrett to break the tag in second half
Stu7: I?ll,take it it Junior
clay007: What was wrong with Caldwell during the week?
naicosfan: haha keep crying jnr
FreeHughsy: We are still gonna win lol, clown me at the end if I?m wrong
soup: calf complaint and sat out main training i believe clay
OffaStep: Wearing a compression sock at training.
original: rachele had to do more on the mark
Stu7: Is that red marks I see around Crows necks?
Pavs: Doesn’t look injured clay but did train away from the group
naicosfan: scott must be resting him fwd
clay007: Thanks soup and offa. He seems to be moving okay
Stu7: Dowling crashed and burned
original: dawson gunna be injured fromthat last contact hey
bhg26: Dowling kicked the goal and said “im done for the day”
original: oh grat yep getting worked on
soup: dons need a few jabs in the locker rooms and it’ll be game on
frenzy: wasnt that Slydon bhg
Stu7: I?m predicting Caldwell will score well
FreeHughsy: Why didn?t we drop cox
Ash777: scott going to give the umps a pep talk
bhg26: He took inspiration from dowling frenzy
Getup: Soup them old days comments got any new material??
Manowar: call James Hird for a half time Pep up!
Birdman18: We keep picking half a team of talls and wonder why we can’t put pressure on
clay007: Soup… Say that again!
Stu7: Manowar or Bomber for some wizz fizz
Getup: Clay really??
clay007: Luke Darcy made me laugh when he said that Getup! He was so intense.
TheFilth: Amazing how Soup & Cats supporters forget where Dank first practiced his ‘science’ in sports drugs in AFL..
Birdman18: Yeah cats were on the same stuff. Just didn’t get caught
Manowar: Stu7 that will get the injectors over the line!
Getup: Gold cats supporters bringing up old shower clay disappointing mate that pep tide shower ages ago move on
navy_blues: i wonder if BC is ok havent seen him on in a while
clay007: Time for your pills getup. Don’t take everything so seriously. Chill man! No Hate!
original: AWFUL brodie smith
clay007: Good call Navy. Got really worked up in one forum, got slammed and then went underground. Hope he is okay
TheFilth: ‘High performance manager’ Dean Robinson left the Cats after their 2007-11 premiership era to go to Essendon.
Getup: I’m probably younger than you clay no hate at all but why poke the peptide bear just saying 🤔
original: rowell vs dowling score now an interesting decision for whoever that was
clay007: I get it getup, but not all jokes hit the mark. Just let it slide by. The chat moves on pretty quickly.
Noxious: ‘Durham has 17, might be on his PB of 29 by half time’ no, Durham went to sleep instead
Swoop35: Please lift caldwell
original: gee that was bad and not req butts
Ash777: the peps are working
Getup: Moved on mate
OffaStep: Me, original. Could make or break a coupe of matchups, too.
Stu7: Taylor nice game mate
original: Offa imo 75+ take dowling but not looking likely
Stu7: Caldwell look out
clay007: Prediction for tomoz Getup? Pies by 15… I hope
original: wow took advatage
soup: Don’t make a pep joke ash, filth will go through your entire clubs history and make them guilty by association!
pcaman2003: Dowling no touches since early 2nd qtr. His score has slid backwards since.
Getup: Finger’s crossed clay came over from sa last week v cat’s thought we were ok but left disappointed 😞
Stu7: Dowling false flag
Getup: Massive game clay need to win
OffaStep: Yeah, probably saving me from making a hard call, Original. Rowell trash atm but could go huge at any time (I hope).
clay007: It is a must win Getup, hope the pies fly. I think 4:35pm slot lacks soul
TheFilth: You want to selectively quote history to attack Essendon – glass houses sook
Getup: Finger’s crossed clay I’m hopeful
Getup: This is ridiculous huge start for the bomber’s
clay007: This is one weird game. The momentum swings have been huge.
OffaStep: Cox standing firm on the fat side.
Stu7: Come on Caldwell join the party
navy_blues: 2 defenders gone for adel tho clay
Apachecats: OK so sold Rowell and kept JHF ,you can guess the outcome.
Getup: Zerret vc keep going
clay007: Funny apache, will be an interesting watch over the weekend
Cascadian: Come on Dawson get back into the game
beerent11: Caldwell still around the footy, just an off night.
OffaStep: Pretty safe Vs Tigers, you’d think, Apache.
clay007: True Navy. Injuries no excuse though, just ask those attacking the pies.
Apachecats: Hoping off a step
original: lift caldwell
naicosfan: crom robbery live
OffaStep: Cox given a tickle around the head.
Social: Enormous from Cox
OffaStep: Cox growing as the season progresses.
Noxious: Good stuff Caldwell
original: HUGE caldwell. needed that. i remember when you’re a premo. its now
navy_blues: cox is growing b4 our eyes
clay007: This has been a great game. It is pinging around.
Stu7: Caldwell that?s what I?m talking baoutttt
bhg26: And suddenly 80 from caldwell
clay007: Caldwell 80. Great come back champ
beerent11: Yes jye
BRAZZERS: wheres the peanut that was clowning caldwell lmao
beerent11: Jute
OffaStep: We have very similar views on Cox, Navy.
navy_blues: yes offa
original: dawson down
beerent11: Everyone else is a peanut when you?re a brazzers
bhg26: butts been off a while, not seeing any action
clay007: Cox was hard inside there
OffaStep: 3rd Q: Enter King Spud to call out “the peanut” who made a valid 1st Q observation.
Birdman18: BT is kidding about a suspension for Caddy isn’t he?
beerent11: We may get a vc score out of Jc yet?
Stu7: Caldwell big last quarter
Stu7: BT is a joke
Swoop35: Huge quarter caldwell
circle52: But after last week who knows Birdman
clay007: How was that prior?
OffaStep: Cox just pulsating tonight.
original: 50pter from caldwell?
Stu7: Big Chief you out there? Need you back man
Stu7: Caldwell nice come back
shagga24: Zach malting points
Pokerface: Redman 600m gained. wow!
beerent11: Riddler discussing something with the physio in the break.
naicosfan: everyone malting points
Getup: Plenty still up for grabs shagga
beerent11: That good poker?
Pokerface: at 3/4 time, yes
beerent11: 12 50m kicks
Pokerface: heck you usually dont see anyone with that much after a full game
Pokerface: thanks beerent, nice
Swoop35: Yes caldwell!
beerent11: Or six 100m kicks.
slydon: idk if dawson should be on the field…. should be in scat 6 imo
Noxious: Ruckman kick
beerent11: Or 300 2m handballs.
Jeff1967: Crows can?t buy a free
Noxious: Wait when the fuck did Caldwell tonne up hahaha
Pokerface: just got on.. how many calls of is Cox near Butts have i missed?
OffaStep: Huge 3rd Q, fueled by peanut-oil, Nox.
beerent11: Sorry poker, but I just don?t see any merret in that kind of humour.
clay007: laird on bike! Corky?
Noxious: I saw his goal and that’s it, loving it
Noxious: Great we jinxed it
bhg26: Fuck you Keays
beerent11: This game has been Caldwell by the commentators.
fishman_da: WTAF. Zerrett has dropped 10 pts in the past 10 mins
OffaStep: The chat has managed to Stringer few together, Poker.
Pavs: Caldwell done No
Pokerface: lol
Noxious: Fuck sakes it was going so well
soup: Fuck you ben keays
TheFilth: Concussion? Will Caldwell play next week?
Pokerface: not if its confirmed concussion Fith
beerent11: Not if he fails hia filth
BRAZZERS: no chance, he’s goneski
Noxious: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
pcaman2003: Caldwell out for next week now.
OffaStep: He’ll be Keane, Filth, but it will Hinge on the HIA results.
bigboyboy: will he lose points from here
frenzy: ur gonna be filthy alright
beerent11: Ah well c for Bont then.
beerent11: Pca from nowhere
Noxious: Come on offa, Shiel be right
Noxious: Butters C it is
Apachecats: Lawyers will get them all off ,don’t worry.
TheFilth: Berry good OffaStep..
clay007: Laird injury gone unnoticed. Come back on, not in middle, spent time on bike
bhg26: I have a very particular lack of skills keays, however i will attempt to hunt you down, i may find you and i may slap ya
beerent11: That?s pretty good noxious.
Brian00173: Wondering if Da2son is off for hia also
Yelse: So 95 percent of head knocks are concussions by the looks of it
thommoae: Keays gone. Slinging motion was there.
naicosfan: ridley dont stop
original: rip caldwell
Birdman18: Boys need to show some edge and take Keays out
beerent11: It?s bad for SuperCoach but better for the players yelse.
OffaStep: Dowling/Rowell dilemma rearing its head again.
Stu7: I just left what happened to Caldwell ?
Jeff1967: Umps getting involved now.
BRAZZERS: ppl still have rowell? lol
Brian00173: Keep ticking over Dowling
beerent11: 80 the cutoff I reckon offa.
Yelse: is dawnson concussed too?
bhg26: So whats the keays punishment, execution via guillotine?
Pokerface: brazzers have you found any mates who will let you join a league yet?
OffaStep: Yeah. Even that scares me because he really could hit that old form any time.
frenzy: Billy
Brian00173: I reckon he is yelse
Lions1980: we still good b ok with cardwell i reckon they subbed him knowing how long it was gonna take for the testing etc etc
original: offa take dowling now
OffaStep: Too many peanut butter, bacon and banana sandwiches and quaaludes then death by toilet, bhg.
Pavs: Put a full stop after the word mates Poker
bhg26: Get on the fucking ground zerrett
Noxious: Definitely take Dowling
pcaman2003: Billy may still ton up yet. Keep going lad
OffaStep: They announces Caldwell failed HIA, Lions.
Pokerface: lol pavs
OffaStep: Lol.
BRAZZERS: pokerface that all you got, you irrelvant at sc every year why even bother ? rowell has lost 200k
fishman_da: Merrets going to end up on 119 pts isn’t he.
Lions1980: tbf it was bt who said it idk im just hoping hes ok wishful thinking i guess
beerent11: Brazzers is just wallpaper. Same thing every time you look at it. Not worth the attention he craves.
Pokerface: What’s Rowell got to do with my question?
OffaStep: Speaking of head injuries and Cox, you still here, Brazzers?
Birdman18: How many throws do Adelaide want to get away with?
Jeff1967: Love the Crows to win on the siren.
Hepatitis: Jeez the dons get a good run
clay007: Laird has gone backwars big time. Flowering hell
Noxious: Hahahahaha offa
OffaStep: Thought it came from the boundary rider, Lion. Fingers crossed for owners (and Caldwell, I guess).
Noxious: What the fuck caddy
soup: What’s the deal with dawson
Brian00173: Dawson been off a long time too. Got a hunch he wont play next week either
fishman_da: Agree Hep. Dons have had some awesome calls tonight.
naicosfan: HIA for dawson i think
beerent11: Dowling now for sure
fishman_da: Dawson copped a whack. Might be concussed.
OffaStep: Just wish they’d let him run out the last 5 mins, beer.
Stu7: Merret always pulls up short ffs
fishman_da: I mean … that used to be Dropping the Ball against Stringer
original: laird on the bench! crazy
Stu7: Great come back Dowling
beerent11: Good player that Langford. Bombers fans know.
pcaman2003: Game on!
navy_blues: go crows
clay007: Crows win. Wow!
original: what a gmae
frenzy: crom
BRAZZERS: yes crows beat these flogs
TheFilth: Choke?
bhg26: Cromming everywhere
PigeonPies: not really a choke, been close all game
OffaStep: Speaking of injured Butts, are you still here Brazzers?
Noxious: Come on Martin
original: how good was that centre bounce play!
frenzy: cromedy of errors, lol
soup: Hahaha suck shit martin you ant
clay007: Croms had so many injured players and the bombers could not do it
Noxious: You looking forward to a Zak Butters master-class tomorrow brazzers?
gazza39: Keays was the key
Noxious: Hope this doesn’t come back to bite me lol
pcaman2003: Good ,gutsy win Crows.
Ash777: how did they lose that!
Jeff1967: Draper missed from point blank. Cost them. Shower bag.
fishman_da: Merrett in reverse the final 10 minutes. He lost about 30 pts during the game.
Phasir: Where’d all the essendon’t fans go?
Brian00173: Crows gunna have to replace 4 or 5 next week
Shovan: draper forgot to dive on it
Manowar: Season over drug cheats, no finals for you!
shagga24: weak kick from Martin. No purchase on it
beerent11: Noxious, beware the Jack Graham tag.
fishman_da: Merrett … 2 clangers, 60% DE, 30 touches. Whaaaat?
BRAZZERS: great win criws, not been so happy ffor an adelaide game since the 2017 gf lol
suns4ever: Ead essendon lol
FreeHughsy: Phasir we haven?t really been chatting all night, are the voices taking over?
original: dowling making good money
BRAZZERS: mano blues cheated the cap, just as bad. sit down
frenzy: jack no show beer
Shovan: beerent we will watch the jack graham tag or not becuase hes out idiot
OffaStep: Wow., aggressive response Shovan. Username checks out.
slydon: no words
Hepatitis: Drugs needed
upweydons: Man , looking forward to another Carlton liss – salary cap cheats
OffaStep: Speaking of criws ffor, WTF Brazzers?
exatekk: hahahaha cant put us away, you wont win a final this year bombers.
McSquire: Won?t make the finals exatekk
upweydons: Adel will not make finals that?s for sure
TheFilth: Not every club were given salary cap concessions to win premierships Brazzers
Brian00173: Shoulda fielded Dowling instead of Dawson…..who knew.
Manowar: the criws whoever they are need to go on another mind bending camp to relearn the robot stance!
Social: Just that little bit more energy needed… but how to inject it?
TheFilth: Crows like Marvel Stadium – even beat your Bluebaggers there this year Manowar – stance or no stance…
BusyChild: Picked the wrong game to fall asleep during HT
Social: In fact some clubs (club) not only get zero concessions but also only 9 games at home Filth!