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7 Best Video CMS For You to Choose From (2022 Edition)

Looking for the best Video CMS that fulfills all your organizational video management requirements? No wonder!Video use has penetrated the whole world and practically taken over every form of communication. 59.5% of the world's population (4.66 billion people) are active internet users, with over 3 billion global digital video viewers in 2020. Businesses are no exception; employees are humans, after all.There is good reason for this rapid rise in video usage (over 50% of higher management executives prefer video over text).Video usage has brought a lot of benefits to every type of business, from allowing faster-paced organizational learning initiatives and efficient internal communication to more targeted and engaging online marketing campaigns. Above all, research has shown that video usage assists in better content retention while ensuring viewer engagement through interactive content.Hence, most businesses now are on the lookout for a Video CMS that best fits their criteria.But we a...