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What Is A Video CMS? (And How To Choose One)

In 2017 the expectation was that, by 2021, 17,000 hours worth of video content will cross the web every second. Currently, more than 500 hours of video content per minute were uploaded to YouTube in May 2019. That equates to 30 000 hours of video per hour. And, according to recent video stats, about 90% of companies use video as a part of their marketing strategy and many of these use live video marketing to drive traffic and engagement. There’s little doubt that video will become an indispensable part of every organization. After all, it’s an effective medium for communication, marketing, collaboration, etc.Even back in 2016, companies were streaming more than 16 hours of video per worker, per month. And this number has only increased ever since, with the global enterprise video market expected to reach $25.6 billion in 2025.This has led to a growing interest in the field of video content management systems (video CMS) as enterprises look for better ways to manage and organize their d...